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Image Comments posted by wood



    I think overall this is a nice image but my personal preference is to not center the main subject, the light fern branch, but rather set it off to one side, preferrably the left, and see more of the surrounding foliage.  Also, the whites are a little blown out in areas and the blurry branch in the foreground is a slight distraction.



    Great atmosphere here and the path leads me into the photo.  My only wish is to see more of the lake and the tree on the left.  But this is still a very nice photo as it is.

  1. Good attempt at using the branches as a framing tool, but the branch that obscures the far edge of the canyon is a distraction.  The lower right branches also cover too much of the canyon view.  A slightly different perpective might improve this, but perhaps this was not possible at this location.  The canyon is a little washed out so maybe an increase of contrast and/or saturation might help.

    Quick step..


    I love the layered appearance combined with the pattern in the walkway which leads my eye into the image.  And I agree with all of Luca's comments.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to suggest an improvement.  I like your revised version, especially the way the reflection is better defined.  This is some weird stuff and not everyone's cup of tea.  Thanks again,

  3. Yes I did notice the zipper line as well as lines in his shirt and the wall behind him.  On the other side the cracks in the glass are joined by the angle of the sign letters and the silhouettes in the poster.

    Dance of the Rhinos


    Excellent work and commendable effort to increas awareness of this ongoing tragedy.  I am hoping any exposure that this photo receives will make some positive difference.  The mistaken belief that the horns have medicinal properties needs to be quashed.  I think this is not only a wonderful image, but the message included is important, and that makes this a great photograph in my book.

  4. This can't be fully appreciated unles viewed in the larger display.  The light is the star in this photo and your timing was excellent.  I wish for a little more detail in the distance on the left, but this is a minor thing for an excellent photo.

  5. After returning to this photo for one last look it struck me that one of the most interesting technical aspects of this photo is the upward diverging angles of their faces as well as a similar diverging angles to some of the less obvious linear features of the image.   This would make a great POW.

    Going Home


    I like the contrast between the dynamic motion of the person getting off, the static elements of the people sitting, and the implied motion of being in a train.  Interesting piece with an inherent story that leaves the viewer wondering.  Technically, the B&W treatment works very well.  The tonal range is excellent, and the slower shutter speed to blur the moving person add up to a nicely done photo.  I like this a lot.

  6. Thanks for sharing some of your experiences "on the street" --  very instructive and amusing.  I've admired your work for some time now and it's good to learn more about your methods.  Thanks,

  7. I am not a street photographer but I like your approach of capturing a spontaneous moment and then showing the result to your subject.  If they object after that I might apologize and move on.  If they are extremely annoyed and aggressive, I would pretend to delete the photo and then quickly take another showing their angry expression.  And then run.

    This is probably why I am not a street photographer.  By the way, I really like this photo.  I think there is a strong similarity to the two sets of eyes, both show mistrust but one is more confident than the other.

    Afloat IV


    Very nice natural abstract with strong impact with contrasting colors and forms.  My only wish is to remove the upper left greenish-orange reflection.  It's a slight distraction but this is a minor issue for a very nice image.

    Framed Mist


    Good use of the tree to frame the atmospheric scene.  I wish to see a little more of the tree trunk instead of the sliver, expecially at the bottom.  And maybe changing your perspective to separate the tree branches in the foreground from the trees along the water in the distance would be an improvement.  As it is now, they sort of blend together.

    After the storm


    I like the juxtaposition of the beauty of nature with the weirdness of man's structure.  Initially, I wanted to see the entire antenna but now I think it's better this way.  Colors are a little oversaturated and there is some noise in the blue sky.  But overall this is an interesting shot and I like the composition.

    Story In Stone II


    This is gorgeous.  I only wish for a little more detail in the shadowed are near the top but this is a very minor thing.  The play of light on the walls while simultaneously illuminating the tree is perfect.  Stunning!

  8. Yes, the colors make this work, and they are a little oversaturated, but it's the composition and textures and form that attract me.  A story is implied and the lighting is superb.  Very well seen and constructed.



    The washed out sky is not helping much but your composition and choice of subject are very good.  There is a slight flare at the upper left which is distracting.



    I totally agree with Devon.  Other than including both of the cat's eyes, this is a well constructed photo that is appealing in it's simplicity, geometry, composition, and tonal range.

    On the London Eye


    The color cast is a problem, but I find the total image to be a little too much like a family snapshot and not a well thought out photograph.  Nothing against family snaps, but they're not really interesting except to the family and friends.

    # 253


    Very interesting capture and the seemingly uninterested woman is also the focus of interest for the statue.  A nice contrast.  My only wish is to have less burning during processing.  It's just too distracting.

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