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Image Comments posted by j_sevigny

  1. Very nice. I don't happen to like photojournalism work with subjects looking right at the camera (looks too much like a UNICEF poster for my tastes) but compositionally and in terms of color this works very nicely.
  2. I'm not sure how I feel about pictures of pictures. Seems to me it might have been more effective to find the "someone" whose mother this is and get a portrait of them with the photograph that's shown.

    " Co-Pilot "

    This is a nice photo, but could have been excellent if you'd moved around to the right a little bit, capturing a little more of the guy's face and body language. Also, I'd suggest cropping a good chunk off the right side. Keep up the good work.


    I'm not a big fan of pictures of beggars -- they are the first thing most people shoot when traveling to a faraway country, and often the first thing beginning photographers shoot in the United States. That said, the hidden face, the hand gesture, and the draped cloth pretty much make up for the potentially trite subject matter.

    "Hanging Out"

    It occurs to me that I've not seen many photos of bats in broad daylight. It also occurs to me that I've never seen an x-rated photo of a bat before. Amusing shot.
  3. Provocative, understated, and yet powerful telling of the continuing tragedy in Juarez and the male (according to my reading) apathy in the face of it. Technically, I agree with the person who said you might want to open up the guy's face a little. Also, the color balance/white balance looks a tad yellow-green to me, but that might just be my monitor. Keep up the good work.


    Strange (in a good way) composition. You've captured a really nice contrast between the colorful roundness of the apples and the skeletal blackness of the windmills. Nice work.


    Nice composition. It lookes like you've got some artifacting or over-sharpening on the clouds, though. But I do like the tones. Reminds me of Koudelka. Good luck.
  4. Jose. You're on the right track here. But I think you could have done a lot more with these folks, who certainly have very interesting lives. Even they're indigenous guatemalans, really, all they're doing is eating. Did you try talking to them? If you'd spent a day with them, you'd probably get fantastic pictures of this family working, cooking, riding the bus, or whatever. Keep at it.
  5. Steven. You have a good eye. As suggestions for improvement, I'd suggest trying to compose to get rid of big imposing objects like that pole, and trying to get more faces in your shots. Keep up the good work.


    Very touching portrait. On my monitor, anyway, which kinda sucks :), the highlights look a little blown out. Otherwise, this is a fine example of how to take a picture of someone looking straight at the camera, but nonetheless looking candid and comfy. Keep up the good work.


    This is a nice picture. I would have liked to have seen more face and less hair. Still, the light is nice and the palette is pleasing. Keep shooting.
  6. It could be just my opinion but I think this photo would be more effective if you chopped like 40 percent off the bottom -- that is, just below the shoulder. I don't think the arm pit helps the picture. Cropping it would put the eye in a bit of a better place, too. Nice picture.
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