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Image Comments posted by j_sevigny

  1. Cool, classic portrait. I like the slightly out of focus gulls in the background. Also, the young lady has a really distinct expression on her face. The only possible improvement I see would be to crop like 15 or 20 percent off the bottom and to clean off that line in the middle right. It looks like a scanning artifact. Keep up the good work.
  2. This is a georgeous, classic portrait. I like that you've cropped it just above her breasts, which keeps it from being a) National Geographic cliche, or B) just plain sexist. The scars are provocative but not in an emotionally manipulative way. I think you might try opening up the left side of the face a little, especially around her eye. Very good portrait. I'd like to see more.



    Beautiful light falling on two faces. I really like the way they're so close together and yet you can completely see both faces.


    There are a few problems, though, with the composition here (IMHO). First, it would have been nice to have had the subjects looking toward the middle of the frame. You know, the eyes of a subject direct our own eyes. And in this case, the eyes send us wandering off into the margin. If this were my photo, I'd be tempted to fix the problem by cropping out the whole left half.


    Also, there's some unpleasant grain in the shadows here, but I'm sure that's a scanner thing. It's a problem with which I battle constantly.



    township III


    Nice light in the sky. Interesting building. Beautiful exposure.


    This would have been a better picture if you'd shot it standing about eight meters to the left. I'd like to see the face of the figure in the middle. In general, try to avoid shooting people "in the back." :)


    This is graceful, clean and pleasant. But I think the tilt might be a little excessive. Don't get me wrong -- I like the tilt. But I think you tilted a bit too much. Keep up the good work and show us more.
  3. This is a cool, but RISKY photo. I love the fact that there are so few elements: the figures, the sky, and the ground. I also like the composition. A lot. On the flipside, there's an awful lot of sky in this picture and I don't think the sky is nearly as interesting as the people in the foreground. Also, for strictly personal reasons, I'm not crazy about the light. It's very harsh.


    Keep up the good work.



    You've done a good job here with exposure. The child is a silhouette, but you can still see details in the darkest areas. The only improvement I could suggest deals with composition: I always prefer to have people looking or walking toward the middle of the frame rather than away from it. She's kind of walking off the page here and I instinctively want to see what it is she's walking TOWARD.


    Keep up the good work.

    Blue eyes

    Striking eyes! I might have liked a little more depth of field so her chin would have been a bit sharper but that's nitpicking. What lens did you use?


    This brings to mind death camp ovens or something. It really gives me the creeps, and that could be a good thing, depending on what you're after. Suerte.
  4. Good composition. The window on the left pretty effectively balances out the provocative gallery of young faces on the right. The only problem I see is that the faces are pretty dark. A tiny bit of fill flash might have helped. Or it might have f**** up the nice natural light. Good work.
  5. I can see why you pulled out your camera and started shooting. You've captured a group of very interesting people. But I'm sure that you could have made more of this opportunity. The first problem is that I can't see any of the faces. The second is that I can't tell exactly what they're doing. What's the rest of the roll look like?


    Keep up the good work.



  6. Personally, I'm very suspicious of photographs that depend on titles to get their meanings across. We're photographers after all, not writers (that much is usually made very clear by the painfully cliche'd titles people give their work -- though this is an exception)


    Lonely, desolate picture with suggestions of a dark narrative. I like it.


    This is a nice picture with great movement and color. Now, for the Monday morning quarterbacking: the dancer might have appeared a bit more iconic, so to speak, had you stopped down a tiny bit and compensated for that with flash. As it is, she's kind of at the same luminosity as the background. Still, it's a fine picture.
  7. This is an incredibly powerful shot. The background is just perfect. I agree with the above comments about the photographer, however. If the story is about whales, they should take center stage.

    Mother and son.




    This is a touching portrait. It looks a little soft on my screen, but that wouldn't matter if it was printed in a newspaper since newsprint is more forgiving. It could have also been improved if the young lady wasn't looking directly into the lens. Otherwise, it's a provocative shot that makes me ask a lot of questions. Who is she? What country is she in? Is that skin damage on her face or just some kind of dirt? I would love to see more of your work.



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