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Image Comments posted by j_sevigny


    This is one of those "almost" pictures. The framing and composition are just about perfect but there's not enough detail in the shadows (particularly talking about the figure on the left) to convey what I suspect was the original scene. If you shot this digitally, try opening up the shadows a bit. You might have a real winner yet.

    to the village

    I really like this picture. It's just a person, some tall weeds, and a donkey (I think) but with those spare elements, it gives off an almost epic sense of scale and purpose. I'd be tempted to crop a little off the right and print this one big.
  1. This is a seriously strange and unsettling picture, but in a good way. It almost looks as if the person with the green hood is mourning the deaths of the birds rather than selling them. I like the diagonal line formed by the counter and the fact that all of the bird feet point to the person on the left.
  2. Cemetery pictures are everywhere, but oddly enough, I think this is the first time I've seen a picture of a Jewish cemetery, so congrats on educating at least one gentile. I like the composition, what with the strong foreground element in the rectangular stone. Does the picture have a slight green cast? Otherwise, I like this.
  3. Fantastic picture that I wish I'd taken. Great color and nice, simple composition. The only weak point -- and it's a minor one -- is the woman in the background. If only she�d been standing a few yards to her right. But that�s the way it goes with this kind of work.

    Hair Cutting

    Nice composition, what with the line formed by the woman�s arms creating a sort of diagonal frame around the gentleman�s head. I also like the resigned-to-the-inevitable expression on the guy�s face-

    Running Hot

    You're really onto something, I think, with your shots of local, East Texas life. There�s something very direct and honest about your pics, including this one. Not sure I can put a finger on it. Definitely keep working. You�re on the right road with the people pictures.


    Technically, there�s not much wrong with this photo. Also, the girl has a striking face. What I don�t like is that I�ve seen this photo -- or photos just like it -- about a zillion times. Little kid playing the accordeon. Nothing new going on.


    Very good separation between foreground and background. The light is also beautiful. For some reason, I long to see the hands of the gentleman in front, but in any case, the pic is nice.


    Frankly, I'm not crazed about selective colorization, and journalistically, it would probably represent a serious lack of ethics. I suggest you think a little more about what photojournalism is and try to produce work that newspapers could publish.


    I like this one even better than the other one. My only comment -- and it's really more of an observation -- has to do with the toning. I like it, and I tone some of my own pictures. But in my own work I sometimes worry that an "old fashioned" sepia tone like this one evokes feelings that the picture itself is old and nostalgic rather than fresh, new and immediate. Just something to think about.


    Another great shot. This may be a matter of taste, but I think your natural, portrait work is so great that I don't understand why you bother with the digital manipulation side of things, which to me, is a bit corny and not your strongest work. Just my opinion, of course. But when I see these portraits, I wish I'd taken them.

    La oferta


    This portrait is so strong that the lack of sharpness doesn't matter one bit. The facial expression is difficult to interpret -- is she scared? Curious? Sad? Flirting. I love that. Also, the pose is really nice -- as if she's trying to fix her skirt at the last second before having her picture taken.


    Technical concerns such as sharpness are important, but secondary to humanity and emotion, which are the main strengths of this picture.

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