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Image Comments posted by jcmellen

    Hang On!


    Kirt...if this is HS football...you're not alone. Would be nice if they lit highschool stadiums with something other than a few 75 watt light bulbs.


    Shooting my first highschool football game of the year next Friday...will be nice to get back in the swing of things with sports photography since it was my first love.


    Look forward to seeing more from ya...and look forward to comments and ratings as well. ;)

    Hang On!


    Excellent shot. Grea timing, nailed exposure. I say this all the time, but its a complete shame that sports photography isn't taken seriously on this sight...so many great sports photographs that are completely underrated....this being one of them.




    Well done.



    I intended to get a splashing effect of the wine "rebounding", or

    splashing out of the glass, but missed the glass in this take.

    After flipping through my images afterwards this failed attempt

    jumped out at me and I immediately saw this theme in it. I thought

    it worked...your thoughts?


    Comments and critiques are appreciated.





    Nicely done.


    Do you have a sound or motion trigger of some sorts? Or did you just try to time this?


    I've spent much time trying to capture water droplets and catching strawberries as they are dropped into creme (and the white stains on my camera to prove it). Makes me really want to invest in a motion or sound trigger of some sorts. Getting just the right timing can be quite difficult.

    Adam's Iced


    David...i always enjoy looking at your work, and as usual, this one doesn't disappoint. Excellent detail, very creative. Can honestly say that I've never seen anything like this before, and would have never thought of it myself.


    As always...well done!



    Leonardo #5


    Wow....beautiful tones and lighting in this one. LOVE the lighting and contrast.


    There is a flaw in the globe on the right side just below the equater that bothers me a little bit...draws my attention away from the man. But that could just be me.


    Nicely done!!!

    Red Wine


    This was one of the results of a lazy Sunday afternoon shoot. Was

    looking at a bottle of Merlot on my dining room table, and decided

    that it might make an interesting subject. Initially planned on

    just the bottle in the frame, with the contrasty directional

    lighting...but it ended up being uninteresting. Grabbed a wineglass

    and set it up and learned that lighting glass is more difficult than

    I thought it would be. After playing with angles of my light, and

    camera....i feel that this is one of my better results.


    Critiques and comments are appreciated. Suggestions and tips for

    photographing glass is welcomed as well. :)




    This is really cool. Great lighting on the egg shell. What an incredibly unique idea. How did you suspend the egg?


    Very nice!!!



    Beautiful soft lighting. Well done. Only thing that bugs me is that there are two catch lights in the ladies left eye, but only one in the right...but that is very minor.


    Nice job!


    Absolutely perfect. I hope that i can someday produce quality like this. I know ratings mean little...but its disappointing not to give this a perfect 7/7

    White on White


    Beautiful job. Tones are lovely. Surprising amount of seperation from such like colors.


    Great layout and presentation. Nothing less than a 7/7 in my eyes.

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