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Image Comments posted by jcmellen



    Wayne, thank you for your comments. There were no other light sources, and no reflectors. The sparks from the grinder is the main light source in this photograph.


    Do you feel that the background is too light? Part of me feels that its just right, the other part feels that I should darken it, that it distracts from the main subject. Would like to know what you think.



    Thanks for the comments!!!


    Larry, the photo was taken at the Dallas Aquarium - through the glass. Was grossly dark in there...shot this at iso3200 1/15 f/2.8 - hand held.



    Very interesting. Not something that I would normally give a 7/7 for...but I cannot find anything asthetically wrong with it, and if its not original, its nothing at all.


    Well done - 7/7

  1. Thank you both for the comments. I did have that tree burned to almost pure black but decided it was too strong. Almost as the picture was unballanced. Nothing else in the photo had that rich of a black, and it seemed out of place.


    I also went as far as cloning it out and leaving the morning sun, and cropping the sun and tree out just above the lower tree line, but nothign seemed to work as well as the full frame. Besides...I was proud of getting that sun in there...I couldn't just cut it out. :)


    Thanks again for taking the time to comment.



    Beautiful. Wonderful colors and tones. Beautiful detail in the sky. This photo is highly underrated in my opinion.


    Well done 7/7

    Water Lily

    Rick, I'd have to see it rotated to give an opinion on that. As for pulling the borders ina nd having the petals overlapping them...I'd be very curious to see that. I've seen it done a few times with animals and other subjects, and I always love it. I think it could work well with this as well.



    This is most definitely original and doesn't deserve anything less than 7's for originality in my opinion. I can honestly say that I've never seen a photo like it.


    Well done...7/7

    Water Lily

    I normally don't pay much attention to flower pictures...they just never interested me much...but this one jumped out at me. Excellent presentation, beautiful colors, great DOF. I agree with Janet about it being a bit too tight on the sides, especially since the top left petal is touching the edge, but its not enough to kill the photo or presentation for me. Well done - 7/7
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