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Image Comments posted by jcmellen



    I highly recommend shooting at least 800, 1600 would be more on the lines of what you need. I'm always at 1600 in the gyms. Want to buy as much light as possible. Even when you get your strobes, i highly recommend shooting at least 800 iso...sticking to 1600 wouldn't hurt either. It will give you a more evenly lit background.


    Again, from what I've seen, you have excellent timing...lighting is your only flaw, but thats more of an equipment problem than anything. A 2.8 lens is pretty much a necessity for sports. But the higher ISO should even the playing ground.



    Ah...I'm sorry, i failed to notice that you were shooting with a F4-5.6 lens. I'm use to using Canons 70-200 2.8L


    Generally speaking, worst case scenario's in the gyms in my area, i'm pushing to 1600, and am shooting at 1/250, with flash powered down to 1 and 1/3 of a stop.


    With that lens, you don't have much of a choice unless you have strobes. You'll still have an underexposed background, but you won't get nasty shadows.


    On camera flash isn't always your enemy. You just cannot rely on it so heavily. I mentioned this on another pic recently...turn the power down on the flash...WAY down. Meter for existing lighting, then turn the power down 1 2/3 to 2 stops. Just a little pop of light to highlight the players. Gets rid of nasty shadows on faces and bodies, but not enough to give nasty shadows on the walls behind the action. Nothing necessarily wrong with on camera flash, just have to be careful with it. Off camera is always better of course, but you can get away with on camera flash just fine.

    The Big Re-Bound

    Nice capture, very good timing. As for lighting, it is a tad bit underexposed. I'm not sure what equipment your using, but if you have it...a flash with its power dialed way down would give this picture the pop that its missing. For example, I use the Canon 540EZ with power dialed down to 1 and 1/3 stops to 2 stops, just a little pop of light to fill in shadows and give darker skinned players some light so they don't fade into the background. Its not enough of a flash to distract players, but is enough to fill in shadows and add highlights. In countless games, I have never been given any grief from coaches or officials.
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