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sky blue

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Image Comments posted by sky blue

    Snowy House Finch


    I didn't realize that. You got a nice result for the effort.


    I did put aside my pride this summer and decide shooting from the portals of the house was not so bad, occasionally even through the glass. (I do at least apply a little Windex) ~Sky

  1. Thank you very much, Tammy. I need to tune up the logo a bit. When it's larger and sharper you can see the bison.


    Hi Kim, Thank you. You're too sharp. You never miss a detail. I had to start collecting sales tax so I am. (...need some portraits done?). I couldn't show the detail of the road sign but it needed to be in the photo since it had local significance. I would change the telephone pole. I think it needs to be there but more of it. Where it is, I don't like too much either. A high line pole just says, travel and is very road worthy. Don't you agree. Ever listen to Merle Haggard? (Ramblin' Fever ) I think I have that...


    Glad ya'll stopped by, my friends. ~Sky

    Snowy House Finch


    Kim, that's a shot that I would call awesome. I like it and a beautiful composition, too.


    What do you know, ole' Ken is still kicking? Good to see that.


    Hope you're having a good winter. ~Sky

    Happy Jack

    Good to see you! How have you been? I hope well. I guess I'm getting a little better with a camera, long as my subjects will hold still long enough. You must be pretty busy these days. Hope you're having a good new year. This good for nothin' ole donkey is one of my pets around here. I always said I was going to build a cart for it but by the time I get around to it I'm afraid he won't be fit to pull it and I won't be fit to hitch him up. Dang time sails right on by. We'll have to do some catching up pretty soon. Hope your son is doing well and the economy it treating you to rough. Maybe there's a silver-lining coming soon. I haven't been able to log in as often so if I miss your message, I'll eventually get to it. Take care. ~Sky
  2. Love the color and detail in Ghiga's peaceful portrait.


    Raffaella, I am a long time in visiting. I apologize and wish to say happy holidays to you in our troubled old world. I hope this finds you well and facing a wonderful new year ahead. I am due for a feast of Polenta. Merry Christmas! ~Sky



    Your photos often rope my eyes in this similar manner.


    Also, Els, I just wanted to wish you happy holidays and I hope you have the best new year ever! I don't stop by to visit often enough, so please forgive me but my visits, I always enjoy.




    Lakota Blessing


    I appreciate that Kim. Your eye knows what it likes and that's at least half the battle. I'm sure just a short stroll around your mountain will show you many things that catch your eye. Your photos show that you've got an artistic eye; stop discounting your abilities (I remember the photo of the sunset through the shack window or was it the door - that was nice and the little tree on the boulder, and the dam curving in the canyon below, and the flowers blooming on the cliff, etc., etc., etc...).


    Here's my only tip: If you spot something that is visually pleasing to you, shoot it from several perspectives and camera settings and when you line them out own your computer screen, you will see real quick what catches your eye. Once you begin to know the perspective you like best, use it often and gradually add new ones.


    Happy Holidays, ~Sky

  3. I often feel that the number of American children that would recognize what this is, much less have experienced one, is shamelessly dwindling to oblivion. I see this and imagine the days gone by that it effected great smiles and laughter from those seated upon it. The long forgotten smiles of children grown and have their own children full of smiles waiting to come forth. This lowly playground devise helped to build friendships, cooperation, and much excitement as one lost their "tummy" with each descent and then the joy of watching your partner lose theirs. Nice image, Sheryl, well seen, and full of memories. Happy Holidays, ~Sky
  4. Thanks Kim & Afshin. Happy Holidays and I appreciate your visit and comments very much. ~Sky




    Kim, I find myself thinking lately, the best laid plans...


    I've decided life will happen according to the opposite of plans, anyway, I used to have quite a nomadic spirit, so if he moves away perhaps I just might do the same. These are his senior photos and maybe he'll get further than his dear 'old daddy has, hopefully. His grades are good and he should graduate head of his class if nothing changes, he's already got me beat there.


    Have a Merry Christmas.




    3 Rams


    I missed these. I used to get my updates everyday but now I miss a lot of new photos that get uploaded. These bighorns are splendid photos, must have been wonderful watching them.


    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you and your family take care and stay warm.


    BTW, Thanks for the update on Susan. Please tell her howdy and congratulations and best of luck with school and of course Merry Christmas.





  5. Hello Kim! Thanks for the update. Susan was responsible for kinda snapping me to attention last year when I hadn't aquired the Christmas spirit well into December. This year I thought I would dedicate this one to her. Please relay a hello for me and tell her congratulations and best of luck with school and of course happy holidays and thanks again for the update.


    Hope you and your family are doing well and having happy holidays. It was good to see your visit. I'm not on as much as I used to be but try to check in as often as I can and keep up with folks. Ya'll stay warm and take care!


    Sincerely, ~Sky

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