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sky blue

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Image Comments posted by sky blue

  1. Thanks Kim. I think I would prefer paddling Fairy lake and would avoid Lovesick lake. I guess if I fell out of the boat and rap my head going downstream I'll be "lovesick" and seeing "Fairies" Thanks again for the update. It really is a pretty spot. ~Sky

    Fantastic flight

    Hi, Sheryl. I'm glad you like it. I become mesmerized by them and really enjoy watching their aerobatics and antics with one another. Glad for your visit. Hope you've had a fine summer. ~Sky

    ~ It's not yellow ~

    Janis, this one really is well composed, unique, and interesting so whether intentional or not your eye saw and skill captured a great moment. Ready for a gallery and a blue ribbon, I'm certain. Very good. ~Sky

    Happy Jack


    Hi Pnina, Happy Jack might be a bit happier if he were in Sicily or if he had some calves to play with. He is good friends with my cat. He was more curious here than unhappy, I think. He was happily feasting until I walked up with my camera and promptly returned to it with my departure. Occasionally he does ask to come out from behind the fence to play and I often oblige his request.





    Hi Pnina, I mistakenly identified the clothing as a modern day fig leaf. Somehow I continued the story in my mind from the same play and the scene reminded me of the set in "YinYang". (Perhaps we often believe that which we wish instead of what actually is) Adam and Eve, with the fig leaves appropriated because of loss of innocense and later the animal skins, I imagined the two would have maintained this condition of shame if it were it not for love. (My thought) Love, when present in humans, seems to overcome the shame if but for a short time. I would then conclude that love becomes a great asset for humanity and if love conquers all then I think it should handle "loss of innocense" as well.


    I suppose your connection of the photos took on this meaning for me; although, I must have missed the gist of the image as you would have intended. I do apologize for this. I saw in one photo absence of shame without clothing and in this photo a covering but two lovers as well. Sorry to miscontrue your photographic message.


    That is nice for the theatre to provide you with a location to work. I fully intend to see a ballet and hopefully it will be a good one as a bad one might prevent my return. I will have to choose wisely. I will now anticipate music thanks to your description rather than my uneducated view of silence.


    Thank you. ~Sky



    Indeed quite the separation from "YinYang" but while innocence departed, thankfully love remained and with it, the conditions of the garden often return if but for a short time. Probably, as a result, we will not be privileaged to witness this temporary "Edenic" state in the remainder of the ballet but fortunately we witness it as individuals with those we love. This must have been an enjoyable play to watch.


    Pnina, how large is the theatre where you collect your works of art? I am curious how the audience responds. I've always imagined them as quiet as a library. I will have to attend a ballet someday so that I will know the experience. ~Sky

  2. That's a beautiful scene. I like the way this fall drops.


    Are two rivers converging here?


    I can almost imagine myself in a freighter canoe going into the froth maybe a couple hundred years ago. I bet it was powerful to stand there and listen. ~Sky


    (Edit) - I am brave when looking at the photo but certain that it's more difficult to participate in person than in my imagination.

    De compras


    I like this photo, Alberto. I always want to carry my camera into the grocery store but just haven't done it yet. I love going through the produce section.


    Nice fruits here and good timing for the "big decision" on which one to take home. Did you get a new camera? Looks like an M8. I'm jealous. Nice camera. ~Sky

    Happy Jack


    You caught me in the nick of time!


    (Just jokin') I knew what you meant. He gets 15 acres to play in and occasionally, if I'm out with him, quite a bit more but I'm afraid if I left him loose on his own, he'd start his "calf-slinging" behavior again and I'd be in a mess. He and the calves look each other over pretty thoroughly between the fence wires so I'm sure he still has it in him. He's still pretty spry, too.


    Whew! I'm just glad you caught me...


    I'm teasing. ~Sky

    Happy Jack


    No I'm not staying cool. I'm enjoying the same experience that the people of the 1800's did. I'm amazed how they had to wait for winter for their air conditioning.


    Happy Jack is pretty calm now. His really poor behavior came in the first 6 or 7 years we had him. We have an understanding now and he knows if he misbehaves too bad, I'll saddle up a horse and bring him back to his stall. He is a good model for pictures I suppose. I'll have to try to catch a shot of him one day when he takes off on one of his full happiness runs. He thinks he's king of the world and looks like that cartoon moose that always went through the woods with valentines above his head. Lovesick, I think, wish I could remember the name of the cartoon. It's pretty hilarous to watch and listen to.


    Well stay cool and thanks for stopping by. ~Sky


    Cats are amazing and speaking of rattlesnakes, I used to have a cat that could hypnotize them! It was incredible to see. I believe my cats keep the snakes at bay around my ole' shack. I'm thankful for that. Take care. ~Sky



    Pnina, with every year I believe more and more that Eve could not have resisted.


    Perhaps she and Adam as well could have resisted for a period of time, ultimately I believe that an unlimited test that existed for their eternal lives could not have been passed; therefore, I don't believe that they had in there beings the necessary ingredient to resist the temptation of the forbidden fruit. Could they have asked the Creator for its removal? I think they could have but in the end it would not matter because with Eve's success, we would not be communicating on Photo.net about this serious matter. I believe that we learn from it that it is necessary to correct our first bad choice with a good second choice but we are left with minds full of knowledge that gives us distress the remainder of our days.


    So, I believe with the serpent's entrance, Eve could not resist and her inability to obey would indicate imperfection, which cannot be correct so the missing ingredient must have been Jehovah and His ability to utterly rescue his creation.



    (Of course this is merely an unfounded opinion of mine and certainly hypothetical and in the end my contemplations matter little in the overall scheme of things)


    It is a tremendous story and woven within the foundation of our humanity.


    I enjoyed the contemplation that has come with your photo. Thank you, ~Sky

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