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sky blue

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Image Comments posted by sky blue



    This is a wonderful artist! This artist has the skill of Geppetto and it is wonderful that you captured the artist's work before it, or rather them, hurry away on some misadventure! Hopefully they will not extend their noses or burn their feet as they explore beyond the studio. I have enjoyed this photo, Pnina! Very good. ~Sky


    Addition: (I have now read back and seen that Jack was thinking along similar lines in the previous critique.) This confirms a photo well done in my opinion anyway.



    Thanks for your comment and thoughts, David. I appreciate it. ~Sky




    Hello Pnina, I'm doing fine. I hope you are doing fine as well.


    I am very glad for your visit. I haven't been on PN as much lately but I do get by to see your work when I can. I apologize that I do it quietly - I guess because I'm never sure if I'll get back to reply these days. This is a flaw on my part and I should take more time to visit.


    I'm glad you liked this photo. It was one of my favorites. I appreciate your thoughts about it.



    Saying good-by


    Damn, Juan! Did you have to win POW with such a sad photograph. My condolences - I've known this feeling before. Of course, the lives represented in the photo carry all of it's value. You always do a magnificent job of telling the story. Very meaningful since you so often pour your life into your photographs. Thanks for letting your camera share so much of these moments.
    Regards to all, ~Sky



    You have the best landscapes, Kim. I just have to most trouble looking at these wintery ones when it's this close to spring. (I'm afraid my blood has become too thick.) Hope your spring and warmth is just around the corner.




    Thank you Alberto. I appreciate that. ~Sky




    Hey Kim, Thank you. I believe I blew the white when I processed. I think that I have what I need in the exposure but I have to pull it up and run it through again. ~Sky

  1. I appreciate the support, very much!




    Kim, you're right, I didn't even roll my eyes. That's a cool name! In Texas we have to have a DBA and right away because some of our tax collectors can be pretty agressive and that's a problem I didn't need. It's smart saving your domain this early. I'm still after one that is already gone.




    Juan, I agree on every count with this image and appreciate all of your advice and encouragement. I guess it's the PJ in me that always makes me hesitate editing out objects but when I do, I always like it more. I've been letting the customer decide and add a slight charge depending on how much is needed. I agree with fill, sometimes I remember and this time I didn't. I am grateful for your taking time to educate. That alone helps me remember. Hope you and Eddie are doing well.




    Hey Janis, you go girl. A boat wedding. Boost your shutter speed as much as your aperture and flash will allow if the water is rough or it's a small boat. It probably won't be that critical, Oh yea, take your dramamine and bring a backup camera or be ready to borrow one if you run into trouble. Charge your batteries up and stay clear of the mother-in-law.




    I really appreciate all of ya'lls advice, comments, and visits. ~Sky



    New Lizard

    I bet you're as happy as a lark these days. Good capture. Wish you'd have taken it 10 years ago when my son wasn't grown. He will still like it; I just won't know how much. ~Sky
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