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david bohn

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Image Comments posted by david bohn


    I like this one alot too, mostly because it is a bit out of character for me. I usually light from left to right, but for this shoot I wanted to switch it up to keep me on my toes, and it worked, come to think of it, its been a while since I last switched it up, I think I'll do another right to left shoot soon. Thanks again I appreciate the critiques and comments.

    the girl

    I haven't rated this but I would give it a 4/4. Here are my reasons, 4/4 means fair, not bad, not great, fair. The lighting is fair, I know you are trying to create a raw type feel but your background isn't giving me a raw type feel it gives me a plain type feel. You cut her hand off, that bugs me. I LOVE the pose, very feminine and the expression is great, she is really giving you what you need. I hope this helped.


    Thanks Dom, I was thinking about that but it is so over done, plus to do it right takes a food stylist and I just dont have the expertise to do it. Thanks again


    If you are looking at doing any still life or studio work you should by an off camera flash, if you can also get some diffuser fabric to place in front of it. That will at least help you get softer lighting. Neat idea.

    calendar shoot

    I should have sent the file larger, it isn't soft. If the whole car was in the model would be too small. If it was horizontal the model would be too small, that is unless I was planning to make this fit on the back of a bus. And I like the yellow brick, it breaks up the monontiny of the background. Too yellow? good, I was going for a x-process look. I guess everything you don't like about this photo is everything I like about it!! lol. Thanks for the critique.


    Thanks Gerard, This was just a shot for my portfolio. I really like the challange of working with glass and liquid, even though I cheated with this one.


    Gerard, thanks for the comment, This is actually two shots PSed into one, first I shot the beer against a white background, then a black and I droped the lighter top of the glass on top of the shot against the dark background. I try to stay away from too much PS but in this case it really improved the final outcome.


    There are some nice technical elements at work here (composition, depth of feild) but I have to agree with the first critique. A black and white photo of paint cans? If you were going for a product shot, I might have moved the handle to the other side of the can and you would have to light the logo on the front can a bit better to make the name clearer. Colour would be the only way to go. The only problem I have with this shot is the subject matter. You have shot an artistic B+W of paint cans.............


    No matter how much I like one of my images I can always find somthing that I could have improved on, I guess that is just the way it goes. I have confidence in my abilitys as a photographer, I'm just not much of a business man and I hate tooting my own horn. IE: I would never submit anything under "Fine Art" I feel that it is not for me to decide if my work is Fine Art or not, that is for the viewer to decide. Plus, a lot of what I do is commercial and anyone who tries to tell you that commercial photography/ Fashion photography is art needs to get their head examined.
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