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david bohn

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Image Comments posted by david bohn



    There are some really subtle things you can do in PS to make snapshots look like studio shots. #1. Take out the on camera flash highlight in her eye and replace it with a square one in a more appropriate position.

    #2. burning and dodgeing to create demention to the face (its kinda tough sometimes though)

    #3 Taking care of blemishes with the healing tool.

    In this shot I would have liked her to turn her chin abit more to the left, from her right ear to her nose looks like too long of a distance. That way you also don't cut out any of her left eye. Keep up the good work.

    "elbo room"

    I wouldn't be too conserned about the tonal range in this shot, it seems to me that it is necessary to do it this way to create the "dragnet" type feel. I like it, this isn't an easy shot to do. I can just picture Tom Waits sitting at the end of the bar smoking a cigarette. Nice work

    1st try

    Hi David, when I do a shoot like this the first thing I think of is the mood I want to create. Your model is doing a great job of creating a sexy mood, your choice of background however is not. For a sexy mood try a more low key (darker) background. If you insist on a white background try and make it whiter, you can do this fairly easily if you have studio lights, just point the bare bulb at the background and meter your other lights around that. Keep up the good work.


    You have some very nice work so I'm going to be picky ;) everything is great I just don't like the hands, too flat to the lens, her knuckles on the hand by her face really stand out to me, they look too manly. Overall though I love the movement to the body as well as the cropping.

    Tacoma guitar

    Thats the idea, I really want to make a living doing commercial photography, and I love guitars so I think that would be an ideal situation for me, my first choice being travel photographer second choice commercial, but as you can see by this site there are some amazing travel photographers out there and I already have a bit of a background in commercial. Heres to hopeing I never have to shoot another wedding or family portrait again ;) Oh by the way that is maple and the back is flamed maple as well, it is too beautiful for words.


    Thanks for the critique please feel free to critique any of my work...not just "the good stuff", I really crave any kind of feedback, I fancy myself a pretty good commercial type photographer but I still have a lot to learn about other areas of photography.

    Violin Still 1

    Hi Ken, I think what is missing is quite obvious. Wine........ Violin....... these things are sensual, emotional, moody, your white background screems Doctors office. You need to get LOW KEY. The set up is nice and it is well exposed you just have to work on a few things, background, and reflections. If your flashes have modeling lights turn them on and then turn off all of the other lights in the room, then it is easy to see where your reflections are coming from, and then you can decide where to put your lights, as well as the distace of the light from the subject. Try putting a soft translucent fabric (white bed sheet) infront of your light VERY close to the subject-almost in the frame- it will cut down on the washed out highlights and make for much softer moodier lighting. Keep at it
  1. Thanks for the comments, The shot of the grass blades was taken with from a medium format slide, scanned. The girl was shot against a black background with my D100. Then in PS I matched her color with the grass and just erased certian areas at a lower opacity. It was all quite quick and easy, I guess the beauty is in the idea? Thanks


    Finn Bay Vintners

    Hi Ken, when lighting glass with strobes I have found that you want to get as close as possible with the light source itself. This will reduce the strong washed out highlights that are unapealing in this kind of photography. Also a good idea is to diffuse the light through some sort of translucent fabric. Hope that was some help.
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