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david bohn

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Image Comments posted by david bohn

  1. This is beautiful, perfect composition, diagonal lines, rule of thirds, exposure, texture, dimention..... all excellent the only thing I don't like it the fact that some losers rated this low without giving an explination. This is FANTASTIC. I'm usually not a big fan of photos that have been digitally manipulated to look like paintings but in this case I find it beautiful.


    Yes it would be better with softer lighting, perhaps you could have hung a bed sheet over the window? Not the easiest thing to photograph. Another problem I have with the highlights is the color in them, they add a blue element that I think takes away from the beautiful red and green of the strawberry. Not bad though, like I say this is a very difficult subject to shoot.


    Fantastic, in so many "fashion" shots the clothes are shown poorly, not in this case, beautiful job of making the clothes stand out as well as the model.


    Those were great critiques/comments!!! Very well thought out. I did pose the hands contrary to each other because I really wanted this image to be somewhat disturbing/arresting. You are right about the beer, but I thought it brought in an interesting color element. As for more camera details well lets see if I remember........well I used a Nikon D100 for this and screwed around with the curves to get the "x-process" look. Lighting wise was a 5' softbox to viewers left and a garlic(hairlight) to the upper right casting highlights on the leather chair/my arm/face/and smoke. Chances are it was 200ISO 125 F14. I added the colored beer from one of my commercial shots, the glass was there but there was no beer in it. Thanks again for those great critiques.


    Thanks Thomas that is some good advice. Sometimes I too find that a nice highlight can add to creating shape to the bottle, making it look a bit more 3D, but I'm with ya on the hot reflections that we sometimes get, one trick that I do is to make sure my reflector and softbox fabric is as wrinkle free as possible, you wouldn't believe how much that helps. Thanks for the comment.


    Thanks for the critiques guys, ya I know I should have put some water drops on it but it was a spur of the moment project type shoot and I didnt have any glycerine around. I have used just plain water before with poor results so I thought I would just shoot it dry. Thanks for your comments.


    I love this shot. It combines almost eveything I love in an image. very few colors, great composition and a fresh idea. keep up the good work, this is fantastic. 7/6

    Hanging Out

    Beautiful lighting and I like the girls pose/expression but to be honest with you I dont like the other two elements (clock/light). Everything just seems too close together. I like the shadows. 6/5
  2. I would not get rid of person in the background and the ...kite? I think adds very much to the photo. It adds an even more carefree type feel to the kiss. I like it just the way it is. This image can not help but give an emotional response to the viewer, good work.
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