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Image Comments posted by rod_melotte

    Montego Bay

    With a trip to St. John in 22 days I have to give this a thumbs up - you are an expert of the silhouette - however - what makes THIs one work is the con trail below the palms. again - excellent - and I'm not just being a nice guy :-)
  1. My ONLY comment would be to use a Split Neutral Density Filter when taking the shot to get more detail on that bright left side - HOWEVER - I would not want you to fall because your fiddeling with a filter!



    I'll say something

    1. cute shot but I think on face shots you need to keep the picture smaller

    2.if you have photoshop use the Unsharp Filter. Most digital cameras need to be sharpened a tad - it's not cheating.

    3. GREAT lighting - that is the # most important thing. 5/4

    Wide Open

    Very nice - one thing I would do would be to somehow (after the fact) makethe sky a little darker to bring out the clouds. Also take out that tiny dot on the horizon on the right side of the photo. 5/6
  2. Pretty darn good for hand held!!!! - yes, more shore I'll agree with the original poster (tee hee).

    Also, just not THAT much going on in the shot which makes the blending for the shots more noticeable.

    Good job and a lot of work invloved!!! 5/7

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