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Image Comments posted by rod_melotte

  1. Sweet shot dude! Man - if this could have been spot on in focus . . . . also - MAYBE crop out the bottom inch or so belore the branch - sort of a dead area (IMHO)

    since it is not super super sharp you might also want to make it a tad smaller - that tighten things up a little. 5/7 (5 ONLY because the top and bottom are fuzzy)

  2. I've never tried it but next time put the flash on rear curtain sync - I wonder if you would get a sense of movement - perhaps it would be to dark.

    Did you use autofocus? or did you have to do it manually.


    Very good - the forground is a little dark - excellent composition.

    May I suggest you purchase a Graduated Neutral Density Filter. This will darken the sun OR lighten the forground.

    Nice Photo!


    Gotta agree - a smile from all cat lovers. It wouold be different if the tail was not pointing up but it exudes happiness - and I assume no cats were hurt in this process (cat still attached).

    side note Mark - thanks for the suggestion - also your Nightrider shot is in my head EVERYTIME I get into a car at night!!! Rod

  3. Since I'm in a critiqueing mood (constructive) - I woudl have had hte duck lowering in the picture. The water is the main event here - not the duck (in my mind). Having the duck JUST a little lower would have giving me more waves.

    WITH THAT SAID - I really like the photo.

    and upon viewing the LARGER - you need Noise Ninja to take out the noise :-)


    Carl - the problem I was/am having is that if I make it sharper it also brings out the scratchs on the surface - is this a lighting problem?

    The exposure was 4s at f20.

    A larger view!

    thanks everyone - I'm finding it interesting that there is not ONE favorite of the three - it's all pretty equal. In fact the one "I" like seems to be the LEAST favorite, hmmmmmm, that's not good LOL

    Stay tuned - I have a new project in the works!

    Wavy Clouds

    Besides photography my major hobby is meteorology so you HAVE to know I love your photos!! In the few times I have flown my face is pressed to the window the entire flight.

    This is outstanding Johnny!!!

    BTW - a little bumpy that flight?


    This is MUCH better then the "claw" photo. Very nice - a little bright on front of the shirt but - ok ok - I'm in love. THERE I SAID IT!
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