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Posts posted by darcy_cote

  1. Just to rephrase my initial posting....


    "Gotta be all artificial lighting."


    should be


    "Gotta be all natural lighting" and the "lights" below the tv screens appear to be reflections to

    me. It appears she also used a soft focus filter.

  2. Thanks for the compliment Glenn. I goes to show that if you can put your mind to it, you can

    go alot of things. My motivation was that I want to get my camera together that I am

    building. It is a 6x17cm camera with interchangeable lenses taking 72mm-450mm lenses. It

    will have a dark slide so I can change lenses without losing one shot. Here is a picture of the


  3. Mr Pico:


    That was the quote from Turner bellows $225. Seriously. I was not talking about a linhof

    tecknika. Although, I don't see why a linhof bellows would be any more difficult than mine to

    make. Pico, you are quite an abrasive guy aren't you.

  4. Hi:


    I just finished making a belllows for a 6x17 panoramic camera. I have a recommendation. Unless you

    enjoy doing projects like this, have alot of time,planning on making more than one bellows or you are on a

    low budget, I do not recommend you make one.


    First of all, trying to find all the information on making a bellows is sketchy and complicated. The best

    resource I had was Doug Bardell's information. Although, alot of things on his website are not explained

    well, if you take some time and thought, you can figure it out for your own bellows. Make a practice

    bellows the same dimension as the one he has on the website first. This will give you some ideas how to

    make your own bellows in the dimensions for your camera.


    The material I used was from an old film changing bag. It is thin, light tight and works well. The contact

    cement is awful, there must be some other adhesives that are better. Maybe will try the spray adhesive

    next time.


    It costs about $200 to have one made. Making my own, if I got paid, I guess I was making about $8 to $10

    an hour! fortunately, I have more than one to make, so it has to get better.


    If you have only one to make, I would recommend having it professionally done. My new bellows is shown

    here. It was nice to be able to put one together.

  5. I actually have a Sinar F1 that is mint condition with a bag bellows and other accessories. I

    am selling it because I need a 5x7 camera. Email me if you are interested. I have hiked with

    the F1, it is easy to setup but I will only shoot maybe 10 shots a day max. But isn't that what

    you do with large format anyway? I am a fairly strong person so the difference between a 6

    pound and an 8.5 pound camera isn't an issue. Come to think of it, I don't think it should be

    for anyone. It fits in my backpack nicely. But don't listen to me I am biased.



  6. Correction the minimum bellows extension of 84.8mm or 3.34 inches or 110mm or 4.34

    inches when used with a recessed lens board of 1 inch depth. That is so a 75mm super

    angulon can be used with the 5x7 camera. Referral to a table with all the specs on the

    cameras would be helpful if there is anything like that.



  7. "A view camera spec tells you how close you can usefully bring the front standard to the gg

    or film plane. That is called the minimum bellows extension."


    Thanks Leonard this is what I am looking for. I don't need to know the closest focusing

    distance but rather what the minimum bellows extension meant in the specs.



  8. No, I just thought it would be a good camera to buy in the future. You mentioned one

    showing up on e*ay, at what selling price?


    Also, you stated that you figure there are better cameras out there, can you specify which

    ones and what they would sell for?

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