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Everything posted by jeffl7

  1. jeffl7

    Dislocated River

    This has a documentary - plus - old postcard feel with the bright sky paired with vignetting. I could imagine turning it around to discover a kitschy caption such as "Greetings from the sandy banks of [insert local river here]."
  2. Very nicely handled. A real stand out in your recent collection. B&W would also work well.
  3. jeffl7

    José Chez José

    Hallucinogenic. Having worked on the south-side of San Antonio for a long time, I find these restaurants strike up feelings of being home. I found Waldo (José), but it took a moment.
  4. jeffl7

    Game Pieces

    My thoughts echoed Tony's. I thought of life as a game and we as the pieces. Do you remember the game Survivor with the marbles on the board that would disappear into a sinkhole if the wrong lever was chosen? That always seemed to offer more of a life lesson than say Monopoly did.
  5. Theatrical. Interesting lighting. Half-silhouette, half-lit.
  6. jeffl7

    Dutch traffic... 311

    An interesting threesome. The tall man contrasts well with the more solidly built gent in the shorts.
  7. jeffl7

    Running Girl, Osakako

    A classic capture.  It's crazy, wicked good timing that her pose is so similar to the orange pig-tailed silhouette on the wall.  These shots make me smile.
  8. jeffl7

    Space Junk

    A little different for you. The wire, lower right, visually anchors and balances the photo--a trick you always do well.
  9. jeffl7

    The Corner

    I like the handling of the post-processing. The strong angles along with him being parallel to the pole adds a lot of visual interest.
  10. jeffl7

    Party Boy

    These are the visual jokes you tell well. You always do a nice job of affirming humanity even when there is none.
  11. As much as I love photography, I am disheartened about how it gets in the way of real life. More and more, I'm putting my camera down trying to make old-fashioned memories. Neurons are more forgiving than pixels. That being said, you are fully able to do what you like in the catbird seat. And I like the capture, the main joke framed well by the attendees and the paparazzi, such as they are.
  12. jeffl7

    Just Be There

    A romantic treatment in all ways--color, texture and story. A visual fairytale.
  13. jeffl7

    Together... 214

    Less than flattering. I wonder if she'd be thrilled or mortified with your very documentary treatment of her backside. Her partner serves as a contrast in all ways.
  14. jeffl7

    Dutch traffic... 308

    The color is quite nice. You did a good job handling the skin of the men inside the jeep, which is difficult.
  15. jeffl7

    America Mura

    I think that PN when it is (was) working was an exceptional way of obtaining long-distance support and gentle criticism to become a better photographer. I didn't really begin to think about photography until I crossed paths with several PN regulars, many of whom have disappeared off the radar. There was a time where the critiques seemed more rigorous, more thoughtful, and sometimes more brutal. Now, the comments are brief, generically supportive, benign and sometimes useless as far as improving. Personally, I got tired of posting and making the rounds because I thought folks were posting somewhat indiscriminately without adequate self-editing and I simply ran out of things to say. In Alice and Wonderland, the Dodo judges a race, proclaiming "Everyone has won, and all must have prizes." I think the attitude that everything we post deserves equal attention and praise cheapens the art of photography. I do think that there are a few of us who take this hobby/avocation seriously enough to truly want to improve, even if it risks periodic bruised feelings. For myself, I don't think I'm a great photographer, and although I like praise more than criticism, the latter has more staying power and is the worth my time. So, I agree with you that PN is in the throes of an existential crisis, but there are a few folks who remain, yourself included, who continually post compelling work and make thoughtful comments, and I appreciate it, which is why I renew my membership every April. Do you have a suggestion about what would make this a more meaningful experience for yourself and for other like-minded folk?
  16. jeffl7


    Random is right.  But my Spidey sense tells me that something more is afoot.
  17. jeffl7

    America Mura

    A great casual capture. The man hovering over his shoulder has a little gargoyle feel.
  18. jeffl7


    That's one joyful, brilliant smile. Just enough vignette to make him stand out.
  19. jeffl7

    crabs-II (Plz view LARGE)

    Larger, all those delicious little details are revealed.
  20. jeffl7

    Age Ten

    Fred: Thanks for such a poetic review. Both kids are head-turners. Neither are aware of it. The color treatment took a little tinkering. The Gainsborough comparison is appreciated. Koushik: She's not really a little girl any more, and she has developed many preteen affectations. I still refer to the kids as "the babies," though. Carlos: I like how your portfolio offers a bit of time traveling, which I think we as parents do naturally. I can catch a glimpse of the kids and experience a sudden shock about how big they are. Bulent: A wonderful comment. I wish her the same. Pierre: The light seems brushed on, doesn't it. The Guatemalan sunlight seemed somewhat viscous. Wouter: As her dad, I get those eyes staring at me whenever I try to lay down the law, and it feels like a game of visual chicken to see who's going to blink first. I still win (for now). Emmanuel: I'm not a reluctant artist, but definitely a time-challenged wanna-be. Dad and husband first. Then work. Then exercise. Then maybe toying around with PS for a few minutes before the pillow calls. Jack: As they grow, the kids seem more and more mysterious to me My wife and I are blessed with these beautiful kids who are quite similar to us in many ways, but there are times that nature seems to trump nurture. Gabi has a range of emotions that neither one of us had as kids. Noah has charisma and confidence that I certainly never had as a boy. I scratch my head sometimes. When we returned to Guatemala, there were aspects of their temperament that seemed to make a little more sense. Perhaps I think too much.
  21. jeffl7

    The Shining

    Flickering color amidst the gray.  I can see why your eye wandered here and snapped this shot.
  22. Nicely captured.  Intense connection between these two.
  23. jeffl7

    A Rainy Night's Day

    I like the attitude of this line up.
  24. If only contentment was that easy to maintain.  I like the graffiti, which acts almost like thought bubbles over the bikes.
  25. Quite different in personalities and in connection to the world at large.  Of course, it's pure projection based on how you've captured these gents.  The man staring forward has a quizzical look, at first a little simple, but more layered the more I stare back.
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