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Everything posted by mjferron

  1. 24th. Mamiya C330 55mm lens using Pan F developed in W2D2+.
  2. First off I apologize for my lack of participation. Lots going on and I have had little to no time for shooting. Anyway I came across these items sold as a bundle on EBay. One Minolta XD5, a Celtic 28 2.8, a Minolta MD 135 2.8 and a Tokina 50-250 4-5.6. Oh and the hippy strap. The Tokina is in user condition but the the 28 and 135 are near pristine. The camera was well used and DOA. It only fired on bulb and fresh batteries did not cure the problem. I contacted the seller and we agreed upon a partial refund. I paid $49 plus shipping for the items and received A $15 refund so the total out of pocket cost including shipping was $44 or $11 per item. After messing with the cameras exposure compensation, ISO dial and self timer the camera miraculously came back to life (for now anyway).
  3. For the 5th. Minolta XD5, 28 2.8 Celtic lens on Foma 100 developed in HC110.
  4. Just one. Taken with my new Minolta XD5 and my old MD 45 F2. Film was Foma 100 rated @ 125 and developed for 5 minutes in HC110 1-50. I am so far liking this film developer combo. (a touch soft due to user error)
  5. My latest acquisition. A Minolta XD5 that came with a very clean MD 50 1.7 though the photo displays my 45 F2. The camera arrived with a loose baseplate and a frozen Rewind release button. Don't you love it when they advertise as tested and working? Anyway I was able to fix both problems and for $65 for the camera and lens not such a bad deal.
  6. For the 4th. Dog Parts. Minolta XD5, 45 F2 loaded with Delta 100 and developed in Rodinal 1-75 for 15 minutes.
  7. For the 2nd. A rusty old bridge here in town. Rolleicord V and Kentmere Pan 400 developed in HC110. I exposed @ 200 and with the light yellow filter actual metered ISO was about 320. I am not a fan of this film in 35mm but in 120 it has been looking pretty good.
  8. For the 28th. Konica IIIa with a 48 F2 Hexanon loaded with Foma 100 and developed in Rodinal. The debris lodged near the upper decking was from a flash flood this past spring. though the brook is only 1 foot deep at this point on average but the water went up over the above road.
  9. These taken yesterday with the Oly OM1n and 28 3.5 lens. Film was Foma 200 developed in HC110. A few familiar scenes as the downtown area of my little city offers few opportunities and I am always hoping for better light than the previous effort. Side note I lost several frames due to camera malfunction. Possible shutter issues. Carwash Door. Backside of a city building. The only grand building in town. Same building, different angle. Utility pole.
  10. Occasionally I’ll take the 8x10 out for a shoot, sometimes 35mm or digital and I have no problem using my iPhone when I feel like it. If someone is turning out impressive work with a phone it is not so much the tool but the effort put forth.
  11. My Konica IIIa with a 50 1.8 Hexanon loaded with Kentmere 100.
  12. For the 26th. Olympus OM1n, OM 28mm 3.5, Kentmere Pan 400 shot @200 and developed in Rodinal 1-75 for 17 minutes. Self portrait and Buddy on the patio.
  13. 3 from the Nikon N80, AF 50mm loaded with Delta 100 exposed @100 and developed in Rodinal 1-75 for 15 minutes. Flash flood debris after a long drought just a reed. Where we walk the dogs.
  14. And the 22nd. Nikon N80, AF 50mm loaded with Delta 100 exposed @100 and developed in Rodinal 1-75 for 15 minutes.
  15. Catch up for the 21st. Nikon N80, AF 50mm loaded with Delta 100 exposed @100 and developed in Rodinal 1-75 for 15 minutes.
  16. As one who shoots with old retro cameras like Nikkormats I don’t see the need for a camera to imitate that style. They do not make new cars that look like 57 Chevy’s so why design cameras that look like old rangefinders and SLR’s? I prefer the regular Z style to the retros. But if it works for someone personally then that is fine too.
  17. I took the Konica II B-m loaded with Kentmere Pan 400 for a walk today. Film was developed in HC110. One of many drinking establishments in town. New Brewery under construction in an old building. Local place to get inked if you so desire. Local filling station. The treads hanging down are the result of me using a cheap refillable cartridge.
  18. That rain was a pleasant sight to see Bill. That drought was getting a bit scary.
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