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Everything posted by mjferron

  1. Local food market. iPhone 14 Pro Max.
  2. Gary Green I really like that graveyard shot. Rick D. New Topographics #9 πŸ‘
  3. I have a new hobby making rustic walking sticks from fallen branches I find here and there. A bit of detail and photos of the production facility. πŸ™‚ Nikkormat FT3, 28 AIS 2.8 on Foma 200 developed in HC110.
  4. I usually do not shoot film for color but damn those shades of blue and reds on Blue Drinking Fountain are superb.
  5. Excuse my hillbilly English. That was run not runs film. My sincere apologies 😬
  6. I've not done much shooting as of late. Very busy but the Yashica Minister D I dug out of the mothballs has been asking for exercise. Not sure I have even runs any film through it before. Nice camera with a reasonably clear and definded viewfinder/rangefinder patch. The locked shutter speed/ aperture is a bit frustrating. Anyway just test shots around the house. Film was Kentmere 400 rated at 400 and developed in HC110 1-50 for 7 minutes.
  7. Seems they turned the lights back on here so until the other members find their way back Ill start the thread this week. All shots taken with the Oly RC loaded with Foma 200 and developed in Rodinal 1-50 for 7 minutes. Just goof around photos, no serious attempts.
  8. Safari and Duck Duck Go will not connect. Google Chrome will (sometimes) with warning. If PN goes away? Well nice knowing you all.
  9. Old shot.2005 Central Maine alone in the woods with my dog Titan. Velvia converted to B&W.
  10. 26th. 4x5 practice in horrible gloomy light. Toyo 45 field, Osaka 120 6.3 lens on HP5 developed in HC110.
  11. Minolta XD5 135 and 28 mm lenses. Backyard test shots with iffy camera. Film was Kentmere Pan 400 and to accent the grain I developed it in Rodinal which to be honest did not make it look any more grainy than other developers. (Tropical downpours off and on most of the day. The backyard was a lake.)
  12. Just one for now. Mamiya C330, 55mm lens on Ilford Pan F developed in W2D2+. This old wagon wheel is on its last legs as the wood rim is rotting beyond repair.
  13. Yes this camera is pretty dirty and the ISO dial is not easy to turn. Could be part of the problem.
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