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Everything posted by mjferron

  1. <p>It's Friday. Now is the time to show some photos you have been getting with classic manual cameras that have not been gathering dust on a shelf. Remember to keep photos to no more than 700 pixels on the longest side and under 300 kb. Please limit submissions to three photos per person.</p><div></div>
  2. <p>Actually though not a mod I am the one who was suppose to start this yesterday. Wife is sick so I had other things on my mind and plain forgot.</p> <p>My apologies to all...Mike</p><div></div>
  3. <p>Thanks for the input Lex. If i sell every camera i have maybe i can afford a Leica. :)</p> <p>On a side note I did pickup a Petri 7s from Goodwill for $7. They said the advance lever was jammed. Was just a self timer issue and the camera looks nice and seems to work ok. Cant wait to try it out.</p>
  4. <p>I was shocked when looking on the auction site how much folks are asking for theses cameras now. $100-$250. The RC is my personal favorite "cheap" fixed fixed lens camera and I own a very decent sample myself. Are these prices a trend?. Damn I would have collected more of the years if i knew!</p>
  5. <p>It's Friday. Now is the time to show some photos you have been getting with classic manual cameras that have not been gathering dust on a shelf. Remember to keep photos to no more than 700 pixels on the longest side and under 300 kb. Please limit submissions to three photos per person.</p>
  6. <p>Playing with IR filter. 45 second exposure at F4.5</p><div></div>
  7. It's Friday. Now is the time to show some photos you have been getting with classic manual cameras that have not been gathering dust on a shelf. Remember to keep photos to no more than 700 pixels on the longest side and under 300 kb. Please limit submissions to three photos per person.<P> <HR> <p>Older shot. Small town Texas. Scan of a darkroom print.</p><div></div>
  8. <p>I can initiate the thread on Fridays if that will help.</p>
  9. <p>Ok "Film Friday" sounds like a plan to me. </p>
  10. <p>Well any film shot could be included if that would help participation. Film itself is a classic now!! :)</p>
  11. <p>Would anyone be interested in participating? Just throwing it out there. Everyone else has them so why not us?</p>
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