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Image Comments posted by acearle


    Max, I agree...as far as originality, this image, the folder in fact, in my opinion deserves a 7. Aesthetically, I think there is some wiggle room (and I think this is aesthetically very good), but originality?


    Andrea, excellent shot! I think I particularly like it because I was trying to get a shot of traffic two nights ago at about the same time...perfect setup. perfect shot...and then the )#$#@#@$ photographer's shadow :-). Now I see a shot like this, well composed, well balanced, interesting textures...and, errr...maybe I should have played with the shadow that night, but it didn't occur to me :-). Great shot! Very creative. Congratulations :=).

    D's eyes

    Heh, I rated it anyway. I like this shot, even though I am not personally crazy about the yellow cast. The way the hair and eyes turned out in the cross processing more than make up for it. Very interesting effect.

    A place to rest

    I like this shot a lot. I've been taking pictures of empty chairs that I run across. Have not posted any as all of my shots of empty chairs have problems. I really like the concept though.
  1. Heh, always the one to like something that someone else doesn't like, I LIKE the ligt reflected in her eyes...overall the shot has a really different feel and this adds to it. It would be interesting to compare two shots side by side, one with the light in her eyes and one without.


    Candid street portrait? I'm impressed. Those are really tough. I really like this shot. The only thing that I can see that I'm not crazy about is the light behind the head, other than that this is a great shot.
  2. I agree, too blue...but this shot has some great potential...Personally, I would have tried it from farther back and tried to get the poles in the foreground incorporated (I dunno what lies beyond them, that may be an impossible shot...I hate second guessing why a person took a shot from a particular location as I wasn't there and dunno what the other constraints were).


    I disagree, I think the subject in the center is okay, especially surrounded by all of the bottles. Looks like he's recovering from a hard race. I like this shot :-).

    Baby Romeo

    Amber, I like the crop better. How about leaving a little more so the bottom of the rose doesn't go out of the frame? Better? (I dunno, don't have the original in front of me, may be worst, lol).
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