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Image Comments posted by acearle

    chris 11

    John, I like this shot :-). Your advice on getting models probably works well where you are, but trying to get Chinese women to pose is like pulling teeth sometimes. I'm about to the point where * I* may break down and hire a model if the "...give me 5 shots to convince you that you are not too plain and not too unattractive for a shoot..." doesn't work. I often use you as an example of someone who shoots women in the most flattering way...IF there is a physical "flaw" in your models it definitely don't come out in your work. Great stuff :-).


    I love this shot. I remember seeing people 10 years ago, when cells were quite expensive to use, standing next to a very inexpensive phone booth talking on the cell phone. This shot captures the feel :-).


    Wow. Fantastic shot, I can understand what you mean about the loss of detail in the scans. I used to tear my hair out over it, but have finally realized that there is no way that a scan is going to come close to a good print (I'd love to see the final REAL print of this shot, the highlights must be incredible).


    Great shot, I like the light coming through the windows. I *almost* wish that I could see the tops of one or two of the arches, but I dunno what the condition of the cieling was :-).
  1. I'm not a huge fan of digitally manipulated images, I think maybe the effect is too strong. I still think it is aesthetically a good shot and definitely recognize the creativity in it :-).

    Life in Rock

    The first emotional reaction I had to this shot, possibly from your title, was of life coming from death. The name "Edith" reminded me of a grave stone. This may or may not have been your intent, but that is how I first reacted to it (it is my belief that a good photo will trigger very different initial emotional reactions in different people based on each person's prior experience). I realy think this is an excellent shot for my taste :-).

    Innocent Curiosity

    I can't believe that the ratings for this shot are so low. It captures the innocence and curiosity of the child. Maybe it is just the scan (I always rate one higher if I think the problem with the shot is caused in the scanning process, as I think it was with this one). A great shot, and good use of an opportunity on the street that many would miss :-).

    Empty Tradition

    Roy, I really like this shot. At first glance, the light cord being tilted the way it was struck me as odd, but very quiclky it seemed that from the position of the hand, she was swinging it back and forth. The contrast in the lightbulb itself is very interesting, and the texture of the fixture is also interesting. The blurring of the model creates for me an interesting question, why the focus on the light and not the model (this is a good thing, all sorts of things could be read in to this). I also think that the contrast is just right in this shot. For my taste, this is an excellent shot.


    The only thing that kept me from rating this an excellent on aesthetics is her left eye disapearing into the light. Other than that, this is a very good shot :).
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