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Everything posted by 5711

  1. 5711


    thank you very much, dave!
  2. <p>i used this:<br> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WD-40</p>
  3. 5711


    portrait of a friend who is an artist. shot 1/2. it is some sort of dr.jekyll mr. hide photoproject with an ironic approach. this one is for the art theory, the gallery visitors and "culture consumers". i will upload the second shot when i got the time to edit it. however, it does look to be a bit too dark on this screen here. apologies. your thoughts please
  4. <p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17955525-md.jpg" alt="" width="452" height="679" /><br> nikon d3, iso 200, something between 50 and 100mm, f8, 1/250<br> seems to be a bit dark on this screen here. apologies</p>
  5. <p>once i own them, should i give you travel advice, ikka?`<br> i gladly will, if you want to.<br> kisses</p>
  6. <p>i use a lowepro trekker 600aw<br /> in it are<br /> d3<br /> d3<br /> 14-24<br /> 24-70<br /> 70-200<br /> 3 flashes<br /> batteries and stuff<br /> and sometimes a mc500 + 40 cf<br /> i am under 8 kilogram<br /> and i get it in as hand lagguage.<br /> just make sure you flirt with the lady at the counter a little bit</p> <p>so..whats the deal then?<br> some airlines have different rules.<br> make it work for you.<br> srsly guys..what are we discussing here.<br> it seems to me as if there is a punch of ppl looking for excuses.<br> if there's a will, there will be a way :) :) :)</p> <p> </p>
  7. <p>if its to heavy<br> shape up<br> or <br> shape out</p>
  8. <p>to awnser this question, it does not take much, really.<br> you need a lens as wide as you gotta need it.<br> period.</p> <p>you do not want to carry heavy zooms because you can't, won't or are a cry-baby?<br> get a 20mm so you will not miss out on anything.<br> yeah, it is not a zoom, and you might fall 2mm of focal lenght short, but atleast you got the shot and that is all that matters :)</p> <p> </p>
  9. <p>another new one already?<br> this got out of hand years ago.<br> who needs those updates, really?</p> <p><br /> however, what about the d5?<br /> my d3's are falling apart..</p>
  10. <p>85 1.8G<br> to compare technical specs check:<br> http://www.photozone.de/nikon_ff</p> <p>85 1.8G is one of those lenses that almost outperforms the 85 1.4G and comes at a very affordable price.<br> buy it, you won't regret that decision.</p>
  11. <p>set up the camera on a tripod and always shoot the same scene<br /> take shots in all different modes, compare histograms</p> <p> </p>
  12. <p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17855984-md.jpg" alt="" width="452" height="680" /></p> <p>architecture photography job, 1 of 5 shots.<br> nikon d3. 50 1.8G, 30 sec, iso 200, f8, big stopper, -3stops graduated hand helt and tilited.</p>
  13. <p>16-35 is the newer lens<br> 17-35 still has better specs.<br> http://www.photozone.de/nikon_ff</p> <p>16-35 has weather sealing, 17-35 has not.<br> there...your decision has been amde :)</p> <p>enjoy the 16-35.<br> it is a great lens.<br> i trashed mine...don't do that ;)))</p>
  14. <p>d300 with 70k clicks should be around 300-400 euros<br /> shutter count should not be that big a deal.<br /> the d300 is an old camera and you might find something newer and better as far as technoligy goes, as shun mentioned before.<br /> however the builtquality of a d300 is better.</p> <p>i am not so sure if it is agood idea to chose a d300 over the d7xxx<br /> <br />id go for the d7xxx<br /> anytime</p> <p>it is the better camera</p> <p>make up your mind about what you need and what it is worth to you.<br> either pick should be just fine.<br> just remember, newer technoligy has some advantage, even though it is not needed to make good photographs</p>
  15. <p>as i am sitting here and watch my pc export files...for atleast two more hours... i can aswell link you another shot.<br /> this was taken from my tumblr: <a href="http://nwfoto.tumblr.com/">http://nwfoto.tumblr.com/</a></p> <p>enjoy the upcomming holidays, and have a good start into a new year.<br /> see you next year</p> <p>cheers</p> <p><img src="http://41.media.tumblr.com/10650c749c27a5bc42875b91a68a7ca1/tumblr_ng67u6qOEM1tipmvdo1_1280.jpg" alt="" width="1278" height="1920" /></p> <p>santa and his little helpers</p> <p>shot with a d3, 14-24 @ 24</p>
  16. <p>out of a series, exhibition comming in nov. 2015, vienna</p> <p>nikon f100, kodak portra 400, 50 1.8</p> <p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17414042-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="453" /></p>
  17. <p>i did not mean usb cable</p> <p>i ment this:<br> <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/820410-REG/Nikon_27055_EH_5B_AC_Adapter_for.html">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/820410-REG/Nikon_27055_EH_5B_AC_Adapter_for.html</a></p>
  18. <p>ray, this discussion is pointless</p> <p>any hasselblad with any optics, distagon 40, 40cf or 50 will be better than small film with a new 16-35</p> <p> </p>
  19. <p>well..it is something that developed over time.<br> i did lose alot of equipment over the last years and kinda always bought what was good value for money at that moment and somehow i ended up owning both..more per accident though.<br> the oldest digital camera i own is a nikon d1x<br> and it now looks like this:<br> http://www.photo.net/photo/17007738<br> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17007738-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="453" /></p> <p>___________</p> <p>back to topic, please :)</p> <p> </p>
  20. 5711


    you noticed :) thank you!
  21. <p>well, i mainly shoot nikon, got 2 d3 and bought the other two cameras for the jobs that require canon gear for different reasons. see my fixed job from tuesday to wednesday in my portfolio .. :) (for example, but not only that)<br /> <br />i have always used both along side since..i left kodak as a child for canon eos300 ( :) )and do not care what was shot with what camera brand or who uses what...at all..i couldnt care less</p> <p>however, if i ever can afford a camera that i do not need, i would go for a d810.<br /> why?<br /> 1/8000th over the 1/4000th of the d750 and d610...</p> <p> </p>
  22. <p>go to a store that has used equipment, or a friend with the same camera. try different batteries.<br> those batteries do have electronics in them, and they count the images taken in a life cycle.<br> at least with the bigger cameras.</p> <p>the resetting of the numbers howeve ris something i have not seen before and therefore cannot tell you anything.</p> <p>test a different battery.<br> do you have a possibility to hook it up with a cable, instead of the batteries?<br> try this too.</p> <p>if you got varanty, let it repair<br> if insurance covers it, let it repair...thats why you got insurance in the first place</p>
  23. <p>d800 or d810 are bad when it comes to noise...to many mp.<br /> how would be any different</p> <p>d4s<br /> d4/df<br /> d750/d600<br /> d3s<br /> d3</p> <p>do not read dxo marks and ken rockwell reviews..go take pictures :)</p> <p>comapring high iso jpgs..<br /> srsly guys?<br /> srsly?</p> <p>on a sitenote<br> i am working with d3, 1dx and 5dmk3.<br> they all produce very great images and high iso is great<br /> on all of them..</p> <p>a d4s would be better than the 1dx, right? :))</p> <p>well..howmany stops?<br> 1?<br> wow..gotta get it..jeez .. :)</p> <p>jk</p> <p> </p>
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