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Image Comments posted by wong_kk

    Shy boy (o:

    Glad to know you like this picture, Chris (-: For me, shoting larva is only by chance because all are hiding themslves inside the forest. Perhaps, it's still so early in the morning, I found this little larva was sleeping sweetly on a branch. It's so lovely that I took several pictures. This is the one giving me the most of a hidden feeling :D

    At Breakfast

    I was originally taking a picture of flower. While I was ready to shot, this butterfly stopped on my target. Just pan the len to it and take a quick shot immediately. For me, it's purely a luck to have a butterfly on flower. Have a nice day :D

    Morning Dew

    Thank you for your comments, Allon & Gal (-: This shot was taken at dawn. The sun shined up the ground at a low angle. The light was so gentle and soft while I was looking at the dew on the grass surface. Glad to know you share the same feeling in this picture. Cheers :D

    Too Heavy!!

    I get the same feeling as yours after I've taken this picture. As the flower was going to be broken soon, the butterfly kept moving left and right to balance itself. To avoid the motion blur, thr aperture was set as 3.5 to obtain a faster shutter speed. In fact, I'm not sure whether the soft focus is coming from the shallow DOF or the motion blur. I also try to sharpen the image with the photo editor after scanning the picture. I give up the changes eventually because the sharpness makes the butterfly look a bit more rigid and lose its elegance. Therefore, I post the soft version straightly coming out from the camera. By the way, if possible, may I learn any of your advice on camera setting for a moving object? Thanks again for your comments! Have a nice day :D

    Too Heavy!!


    This purple flower is too small to support a butterfly. Perhaps, it

    really tastes so good. The butterfly is unwilling to give it up even

    though the little flower is going to be broken down. This scene is so

    funny and would like to share with your here. If you want to get some

    idea about the size of this flower, another shot of flying bee is

    kept in my folder. Have fun! Cheers :D


    It's indeed very difficult to catch the flying object with a camera. Great skill to take this shot with the macro mode of the Tamron len! May I know your setting of this picture? Cheers :D


    With your advice, I've visited Mark's folder and tutorial. His macro pictures indeed get the great details of the subject. However, we are using different tools. May I know if there is difference in the operation between a reversal len and a normal marco len? Thank you!

    Lady Bug on Daisy

    Just like meeting with an old friend again (-: ... It's really so happy to hear your voice here, Tiffany! Perhaps, my changes are affected by some PN photographers like you...I tried to use SLR this January. All my habits change with the tooling. In fact, I always admire whom can take the photos giving people the feeling. This is my second year since I took my first photo last April. There's a long way for me to get it. I'm still at stage of learning how to handle the color & curves with my camera. Hopefully, my picture may catch my feeling in a day. By the way, no matter good or bad, comments are always helpful to my growth. Please feel free to voice out any flaws of my pictures. Cheers :D

    Ma Ma I Love You

    Nice idea (-: ... The blurred background makes the crystal-like drop more coming out from the picture. Your tool is really so interesting. If possible, may I know where to buy an adaptor for the reverse len in Hong Kong?

    Before Butterfly

    The feedbacks are far better than I've expected :o) .. In fact, it's just luck to have this picture by taking a few shots. My skill indeed is not good enough to handle the moving subjects all the times. They really come and go so fast. How can I catch them with my camera successfuly???

    Before Butterfly


    It's a caterpillar of the white butterfly. I originally think it

    moves so slow :o) .. But,it's an express train under a macro len :-

    (.. I just can wait for it at the end of branch and take a quick shot

    of its U-turn. Would like to share with you here and learn your

    advice. May I hear some of your tips on taking photo on such the

    moving object? Thank you!

    Lady Bug on Daisy


    It's really so happy to know you like this picture. Although this ladybug moved slowly in this shot, it's really difficult for me to keep the correct focus whilst tracing it. To improve my skill, may I hear any of your tips on taking photo for a moving object. Cheers :D


    Lady Bug on Daisy


    A lady bug just finished her breakfast on a daisy. Perhaps, she was

    really so full and moved quite slowly. Just take a quick shot and

    share with you here. Hope you may like it (-: By the way, would like

    to hear any of your comments (good or bad) so that this picture can

    be improved further. Thank you :D


    I share the same feeling of light tunnel. I prefer keeping the person in the picture and put him further to the centre of entry. I'm thinking what the picture looks like if it gets a long shadow of this person along the corridor. Cheers :D


    Nice color and composition! I'm thinking if more focus & sharpness on its head, can people see the leave reflection in its eye? If it does, this picture surely will be a very impressive shot. Any way, it's now still so attractive. Cheers :D

    Enjoying The Meal

    Great DOF to catch every details of spider! Flower always leads people a feeling of soft and sweet but a spider does scares people. The composition of these two extreme things together make me get a complex feeling. I'm still thinking what it's. Any way, it's really a great macro :D
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