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Image Comments posted by wong_kk


    I love the river image more than the real objects. The yellowish reflection makes the dark blue riverband much more coming out. I'm thinking of what the picture will be if you just keep the reflected images and gives up the real world :D .. Nice shot!

    The last dew drop

    I love the moody color of your photos. The exposure is just right to give people a natural and comfort feeling. By the way, I'll practise more according to your tips. Hopefully, I may post my first sunset picture at PN in one day. Although my pictures get lot of flaws, would like to have your comments on their key weakness if you are free to have a quick glance on my folders. Thanks again for your sharing! Have a good day :D

    The last dew drop

    It's indeed so happy to have your advice. You've pointed out the key weakness of this picture. To shot a good macro, I'd surely take your advice as long as the environment allows me to use a tripod. By the way, I'm so interested in seeing Pradeep's macro. Would you mind telling me where I can access his photos? Furthermore, I always fail to have the sharp focus and the right exposure for the sunset, the sunrise, the moving objects and the night scene. If possible, may I hear more of your advice on taking photo for the above topics? Thanks again for your helpful comments! Cheer :D .. B. Rdgs, Mitchell.
  1. They are different leaves (-: However, I share the same feeling as yours. This picture was taken by Coolpix 990 and the other one ("The last dew drops") was by a SLR with 90mm len. I'm still thinking whether the difference is coming from the tooling, the composition or exposure. Any idea? Cheers :D

    The last dew drop

    Are you so amazing, Sapphire? I share the same shaking problem as the others whilst using the macro len. It's so lucky that this leave heighted about at my knee. By squatting on the ground, my kneecap was a good support for the macro len. It's about 7:30am, the dawn light was mild and shined uniformly on the leave at a low angle. To minimize the shaking problem, my setting was F: 2.8 with S:1/125 sec. That's why the DOF was so shallow. As my skill is still so green, I took more than 20 shots on this leave. The one posted here is the best one of them. To learn more, would like to hear any advice on my weakness from all PN friends. Cheer :D

    The last dew drop

    Nice to know you like this picture (-: The green color is coming from the ground. As the ground grows with grass, it becomes the blurred green background when I set the DOF as 1mm. The DOF was indeed so shallow and the AF of my camara did not work well that moment. I took this picture by MF. I think it's just a luck getting this picture with the 90mm macro len. Thanks again for your comments & rating! Cheers :D

    The last dew drop


    Spring will be over after Easter. And, the rainy season comes so

    soon. Perhaps, this may be the last dew drop before summer. The drops

    are so bright and round. Just look like the crystals on leaves (-:

    Would like to the last drop share with you here. To improve this

    picture, please feel free to raise your comment. Cheers :D


    He should be a shy boy who always hidden his face. I've met with them several times on the beach. But, never can I take a good shot as yours. Nice color and composition (-:

    Some more ??


    Morning is always the good breakfast time. A little butterfly was

    still so hungry after getting the first bite of breakfast. Perhaps,

    the yellow flower was really so tiny (about 3mm) to feed up a

    butterfly. She's staring at the other target and lolling out her

    tongue to taste the second flower. It looks so lovely and I would

    like to share with you here. Have a nice weekend. Cheers :D

  2. It's rare to have the golden fly in the garden. By approaching it at

    the back, I can see the green reflection on its back. It looks quite

    colorful. To have the better details, you may see the large picture.

    To improve this picture, please feel free to raise your comments.

    Cheers :D


    The dragonflies are just like the little angles. The flying one particular draws my attention. Its motion blur adds the picture a feeling of fairy tale. I love this dreaming mood so much! Thank you :D


    For me, "fly" is a difficult insect to get a good picture. It always fly away whenever I approach it in the front. How good we can get a freezer to fix it for a few seconds to take a shot :D Then, lots of amazing macros will appear in the PN. Cheers :D

    Green Blur


    This is a little flower of 5mm size. The background is so messy. the

    DOF is intentionally set a bit shallow. Hopefully, the flower gets

    the feeling of coming out from the green blur. As it is just an

    experiment, may I hear your comments on exposure, DOF control and

    composition to improve this picture? Thank you :D



    A super-mini fly is dancing on a leave. I think it's so cute and

    lovely. Just take a quick shot and share with you here. Hope you love

    its funny look. Cheers :D


    The cat really gets the eyes of different color. I use PS to make the color a bit more saturated. As I know PS so a few, would you mind showing me steps of the lighting effect? Thank you :D



    To frighten off the mice, it's common to keep a cat in the shop. I

    saw it in the early morning today (about 6:30am). It's so dark inside

    the shop. By lighting up with a few lamps in the corridor, its eyes

    looked so mystery. Do you feel so?

  3. This is also the first time I saw a butterfly with a pair of "big eyes" in my living area. By the way, David indeed gets an sharp eye. In fact, a small forest isolated the butterfly and me. I had to stretch my camera out of the branches to take this shot. I failed to keep balance quite well that moment. I think the unsharp image was due to my hand shaking whilst taking this photo.
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