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Image Comments posted by wong_kk


    I feel the tension as well in this picture. The model seems bore stiff with the life and is asking for helps in some ways. Good capture of one's feeling with your camera!


    It really looks like the feathers, the skirt, the wing of bird at my first glance of this flower. I'm trying hard to seek an angle to catch the layer of feathers. Nice to know we share the same feeling. Cheer :D



    This little flower looks so funny. I feel it looks as lady dressed

    like a bird. What do you think about it? To learn more, any of your

    comments on skill of this picture are highly welcomed. Cheers :D


    Great details of butterfly, especially for its eye and hairs! The composition and lighting are very good. If the DOF gets further a bit to make both wings clear, this picture will be perfect. Any way, it's really a very impressive shot! If you don't mind, may I know which macro len is used? And, what's the setting of aperture for this shot? Cheers :D


    You really get the sharp eyes, David! I also noticed this defect while I was taking this photo. I had no choice because it's only one mushroom I saw in wildlife that moment. That's why I put it at bottom most corner. Hope it will not affect the picture too much. Cheers :D


    This is just an experimental photo. I do not exactly know its actual look before taking the photo. I'd say it's purely a luck for this picture. Comparing with yours, you are purely skillful, sense the world with the hearts and convert your feeling into an image. Would like to hear any of your advice. Please feel free to raise out any flaws in my pictures. Cheers :D

    A sleepy boy

    Your portrait pictures are much more impressive. It's a long road for me to learn how to catch the feeling of people on the street. Would like to hear more of your advice?! Cheers :D

    The Ascent

    You are so courageous to go on a journey of thousands of miles on a snow mountain. The scale of your partners indeed manifests the grandeur of mountain. Thanks very much for your sharing! Cheers :D
  1. Mice normally move so fast. My skill is not good enough to catch a sharp picture at the pet shop. That's why I just get a sleepy family here :o) Comparing with your humming birds, they are all great shots. Timing and exposure are perfectly handled. If possible, would you mind giving me some tips in taking photos for the moving object? Thank you very much!


    May I know how can you get it, Ettore? I've also seen the crabs before on the beach but I'm never able to take a good shot as yours. Whenever I try to approach it, the crab hides itself inside. Would you mind giving me some tips? Cheers :D

    A hidden butterfly

    The composition of your "Dinner on Arch" is much better. In addition to showing us the great details of natural world, the curve of branch adds the abstract beauty to your picture. Keep on! Would like to see more of your artworks :D


    As PS is still new to me, I don't know how to dodge an image. Would you mind showing me the steps of dodging the upper left corner, Carlos? Thanks very much :D
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