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glen peterson

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Posts posted by glen peterson

  1. Robert,


    I too, love this lens. With a little one of my own, I did find the need to use an 85mm and 135mm lens(s), as he reached the todler stage. Little ones just love to reach for the lens when you get up close. Now that My son is a little older, and understands whats going on with the camera, I use my 50mm a lot more. He should understand, between my wife and I the poor kid must think his parents have cameras attached to their heads.


    Enjoy the lens and Little Maddie.

  2. I have the same Flash HD 40gb(Ebay for $110). I also bought a second 30gb laptap hard drive. It's really easy to change the hard drive in this thing. I haven't used it too extensively, yet, but for now it is working fine for my compact flash cards, and my wifes SD cards.
  3. I recently repaired one of these, and I now remember, that inside the front of the prism, there are two (power switch wires). They come of the contacts that connect to the camera body. One goes into the prisms board, and the other to the button on the front. The one that goes to the prism MAY be broken. In fixing the one that I have, I found that the soldered connections were not very durable. (Mine had three broken connections inside) But easily fixable if you dare opening the the thing up. I am no repairman, and this is just a thought, and I hope it helps.
  4. Henry,


    I just saw your other post in the other thread. I just thought I'd elaborate a little more on the screen. First of all, the 135-n back, will only take the picture within the center square. If it were the 135-w version the area would be the entire width of the frame, but I'm sure you already know that. The second thing is, the center frame in the drawing shows only 23mm x 34mm. I think this is pretty standard being slightly smaller than the actual image. The entire size of my screen is 52.5mm x 40mm. For 6x4.5 film. I don't have a 135 back, but I wish I did sometimes. Have fun. One last thing. You might try drawing in the lines with pencil, I just have a feeling that it would be easy enough to see, and also easy to remove if you wanted.

  5. When I just opened the picture in EVU. I could see where the autofocus points were, and it is definitely the background that was focussed. I don't think there is anything wrong with the lens, just keep an eye on the autofocus confirmation lights when shooting.
  6. Many of these microdrives are bought cheap in bulk by the sellers. If you look on the bay, you can find the hitachi models really cheap. I bought a couple of 1g hitachi's for $40 each, and I'm pretty sure the seller made some profit on them. I bought them at the buy it now price.
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