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Image Comments posted by toddlaffler

    High Key Kid


    Yes, now that you mention it, it does sort of remind me too of some 50's photographs. I wonder what it is that makes 50's photos so distinctive. I think in general they were a little more contrasty?


    I'm not usually a fan of oval vignettes, but I don't mind it so much with this. The hand coloring is a bit much for me as well, but I know there certainly are people (parents) who do like it.


    I don't mind you monkeying with my image...hey, it's your time. :)


    Thanks for all your input on my recent posts Jayme, as always, I appreciate it. Take care,



    Baby Blue


    Thank you for your kind remarks. Cross processing is totally greek to me, I just followed this tutorial and then played around a bit from there. It's something I've always wanted to try and when I stumbled on the link I gave it a try.


    I think I used a 24mm to 70mm Canon lens, so I was pretty close to him. I don't remember the details, but it was probably ISO 200, f10 or so at 250th of a second. This little guy had a very nice wide eyed look once in a while, this being one of those "once in a while's". As far as playing with the DOF, I don't remember that either. Most times I will selectively sharpen the eyes and lips only and leave the rest of the photo unsharpened. Sometimes I will give a slight blur to the background and back of the head, but not much, just a hint.


    That orangish cast you see was actually AFTER I desaturated it, it was more obvious before than it is now, although it didn't/doesn't look orange to me, but I may be color blind. LOL I think it was kind of greenish in the original X-Process testing.


    Thanks again.



    Baby Blue


    Thank you very much. Actually I think Jaun must know that photographer personally or something because apparently he rates all of thier work very highly without much regard to quality, or what I percieve to be quality anyway. Enough about that. :)


    The site I was referring to is : http://www.phoeniximaging.co.uk/Tutorials/XProcess/XProcess.html


    From what I have gathered so far (basically in an hour or so, lol) is that it seems to work better with the right photograph. I don't think it works well with just any. Also, you have to tweak around a lot to get more of what you want, as the little tutorial is just a starting point I think. So, experiment away and have some fun. Thanks again



    Baby Blue


    Hi Jaun, thank you for taking the time to rate my photograph. I see you gave it a 5 for Aesthetics and a 4 for originality. I'm totally fine with that, honest I am, but I can't quite figure out how this (see attached photo. Note: no offense to the photographer of this photo, I attached it so as to keep your name anonymous) photograph merits a 6/6 from you. If you wouldn't mind, can you explain what your thoughts are regarding the two different ratings? Once again, I have no problem with your ratings per se, but I just can't figure out how the attached photograph is that much better. Thank you




    Baby Blue


    I've always wanted to play around with Cross Processing, and found a web site that

    showed how to do it digitally. You have to play around quite abit and the results seem to

    vary a lot. Anyway, would be curious to hear your thoughts on my 1st effort. Thanks





    Dan, I think your skate shots are grossly under rated! Probably due to non "skate" photographers or people who just don't know what is going on in them who are rating them. Your lighting and creative locations are awesome to say the least. I really admire your work. I would love any input you may have on my recent skateboard shot found here: http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=5422400 (copy and paste the URL into a new browser window)


    Thanks so much, and keep on posting.



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