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Image Comments posted by toddlaffler

    Atomic Cloud


    I am SO jealous! :) This is so good. I am asucker for these types of shot. The simplicity, color, contrast. mood, just everything is so spot on it hurts. :) Great job, and thanks for sharing this beauty with us.





    Thank you so much for your nice words. This shot was a combination of careful planning and dumb luck. see, it had just rained so all the fans had went for cover. After the rain they started coming back, so I was scrambling to to get some just seat shots, but people started coming so I began trying to work them in to. I think I was trying to snap this one off before the girl entered the frame, hence the tight crop, and she just beat me to it is all. Ok, so what size do you need for your dining room? :) Thanks again





    Taken along the cliff walks of Newport Rhode Island. I think this was a few minute

    exposure. I tweaked the white balance to get the blue cast. Thanks for looking.

    Father and Son II


    Thanks. Actually it was F10, but I think I did some Photoshop blurring to the background. I used primarily flash to light this and underexposed the background a bit. I used a Sync cord so the flash was off camera. I also had a mini lumiquest "softbox" attached to the head of the flash. Since this is a 15mm (19mm accounting for crop factor) I was nice and close to the subject which means the flash (light source) was close too, which I think helps "soften" the light as well. Thanks again,





    ummm I guess I just get lucky with some expressive kids. That, and all my years of photographing skateboarders has sharpened my trigger finger to snap at just the right time too. ;) Thanks for your comment.



    'Burp Time'


    Thanks for commenting on one of my kid shots. You asked for some tips so here are a few to get you started: 1. Get in really close 2. Take LOTS of pictures 3. Use soft diffused window light whenever possible 4. Anticipate and be ready to shoot 5. If you have to use a flash, try bouncing it off a white ceiling or wall, or some other way of softening it 6. Have fun with it


    Hope that helps you somewhat. Thanks again, good luck and keep shooting. :)

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