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Image Comments posted by hagar


    I wonder what it takes to get a good rating on photos like this? Maybe you should lean over and wipe the water off the guys face so you can see his eyes?

    Me & My Shadow...


    Excellent capture :-) Especially that the wings are invisible! The levitating bee..

    My only critique..did you consider upping the contrast and saturation a bit? It looks a bit flat to me..

  1. Now I see why the poor guy was looking grumpy.. I would too if I was trying to have a quiet cigarette after my morning coffee .. lol. I must admit, I would not have passed by the opportunity to take that shot either! It's a pretty darn good one.

    I know the Answer


    Darn it, Simon.. if you know the answer, what more do you want us to say?


    And even though you got it in a nice pose.. it bears no resemblance to Rodin's statue..




    There is a vast emptiness on the left side of your photo.. either crop it out.. the moon and the lights being your main interest, or see if you can bring in more detail. Extreme darkness, like light, will draw your eye away from other things.




    Photographs that have lines (real or imaginary) usually use those lines to lead your eye to the subject..

    Your subject here is out front (needs to be better focused), and the lines, such as they are, tend to lead away from the main subject, rather than to it.

    Hope this helps at how you look at things before taking a shot :-)

    Croc Smile


    Of course he was smiling.. he's doing a commercial for one of those teeth whitening products!

    Nice catch Sonia.. they are quite fascinating creatures from a distance :-)

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