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Image Comments posted by hagar


    Thanks Apurva.. sadly it's ever the case with a lot of people. Everybody has a different agenda. I'm always happy to hear others opinions on my photos, sometimes one is too close to make objective decisions.


    Composition is great.. I find it a bit dark (especially the head of the swan), and it feels like I am looking at one of those large needlepoint pieces.. that's not necessarily bad if it was the intent.


    The idea might not be original.. but the execution is extremely pleasing. Perfect tones and contrasts.. I just had a look at the color version, and as pretty as that is.. I like this way, way better :-)
  1. Linda, let me start off by saying that I like this photo in a lot of ways.. and I think that Gordon expressed quite a few of my thoughts much more succinctly than I would have been able to. The roof of that white car still 'bugs' me.. and I did try a few crops, and could not really get anything satisfactory when I cropped it out. Nevertheless, a good shot, and good conversion to b/w.


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