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Image Comments posted by mandar1


    PT, a photo with a twist to the theme -- interesting for sure. I think there is a color-shift and it is making things in the color space look a bit out of whack. PT can you please post the original. Thanks.
  1. PT, this is a good idea but the harsh lighting is a bit bothersome. Maybe PT intended to show the harshness of light. Anyhow if you want to play with the shadows and light I would suggest a BW approach. I like the patterns for sure and for that the first version is what I would suggest. I don't know what will happen to the themesfit though. I hope PT doesn't mind my tinkering with the images.



    An interesting photograph -- don't know what it is though. I disagree about the bright spot at the bottom, I think it provides a sense of wave in the fabric. I would have preferred to not have the horizontal shadow though. Themefit is tenous but there.
  2. A very good interpretation of the theme. I agree with the suggestion of the tighter crop. Although the versions with higher degree of pop are interesting I am not sure they are really necessary.


    PT an unusual -- in your face kind of -- angle. Unless of course I am missing something subtle this fits the theme. While the perspective is unique, something about the composition is unsettling; maybe it is the darker sliver of background grabbing the attention on the right side. I don't have any suggestion on how to reframe it right now. Will be back if something comes to me.


    PT a good fit to the theme at hand. On the composition side I would have for some weird reason (!) liked to have the triangular corner on the right side of the picture within the frame. I am with Seven on his observations about robustness of nature.
  3. PT this is a very good idea. I like the fluidity of the dancer. The stuff on the right is OK for me -- not too bothersome. I am with Stephane when he says that original is better -- something unique going on there -- it is as if the person is bathing in golden light. My vote is for the first one for sure.


    Seven, thanks for your comments. As it happens this is the view from my apt. I agree that there is some dust on my sensor. I need to clean it carefully -- just an aside this was shot at 1600ISO as I had forgotten to change the setting after trying something handheld. For his shot I did use a tripod.



    PT the themefit is there but somehow the aesthetics need to be fixed a little bit. I desaturated it (as I think the color does not add ) and rotated it to convey the idea of a "comfortable" angle -- needless to say that is subjective. There is something about a horizontally oriented leg that looks a bit different. Anyhow, here is my very quick shot at "improvement", hope PT is OK with it.



    Dominique, I was hoping to get the profile but for some reason the person turned. Need to keep in mind next time.
  4. :#KuD*!h'V"-Bn)b3T'r=^. is right. Good job on the execution PT. I don't know if you consciously chose the waste basket with mesh or not, but it definitely adds to it. How about a squarish crop with some space at the bottom? I think your interpretation will fit most technological things that frustrate us -- cellphones that crash.


    I like the idea behind this PT. I would have liked a lower perspective. If there is some way to capture a human getting water out of it that would be great -- that will complete the story.

    C a n d i d

    Seven, Have seen this a couple of times and like it a lot for two reasons -- 1. Geometrical harmony with the kids in it, and 2) the tones. I wonder if it would have looked any different if the light source was not on the top side. Square crop seems to be appropriate here.


    PT, an interesting image with a meaning that is hard to understand -- maybe a language thing. I do like the crop that Dominique has suggested. Quite a place.


    PT, this is a sweet idea. My only problem with the execution is the dark band in the center. I wish the backround was uniformly dark. That would have helped this capture a lot. Good find.
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