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Image Comments posted by mandar1

  1. PT, I really appreciate the the well thought two photo submissions to this folder. Both are well done. The one you uploaded here seems a bit unsharp. The idea is good and well composed.
  2. PT, I am not sure about the theme but can think of one interpretation that might work. The composition I think is a bit busy. I would suggest shallower depth of focus if your equipment allows that. The monotone conversion is good.

    Radiant tree

    Andrew, Thanks for your comment. I like the points you mention. The slope from left to right does make it asymmetric and may give a feeling of a strong tilt. I would like to redo this photograph. Yes, I was indeed living in the Boston area for some time, I have moved since the begining of this year.
  3. Dear PT, I like your idea behind it. I thought the best way to accentuate what -- I think -- you were trying to show: the asymmetry in the partially fogged up window panes was to go monotone. I played around by correcting the perspective+cropping to get the following. What do you think?



    Joe, thanks for your comment and suggestion for anither version. I like the idea, now I need to think about what you said about sharpening being acheived using controlled addition of noise.
  4. PT, I am bit late for the choco-party, but anyhow wanted to say this is a good idea and well implemented.The best part is the simplicity of it all. I had given some thought along these lines but had more crazy ideas.
  5. PT this is an idea that is an immidiate themefit. However, this needs some work on two counts. Firstly, from what I can see this was shot in hard sunlight and it is incredibly hard to get it right. I recommend an ND filter to buy you a couple of stops. Secondly, the composition needs some work as it is very busy at the top.


    I think this is a good idea and the only thing I would suggest is to make it asymmetrical by changing the viewpoint to add somthing more to the composition. Needless to say you have handled the exposure well considering that there was a huge dynamic range to manage.


    PT : Of the two that you have uploaded for the theme. I like this more for inexplicable reasons. Maybe it is the regular repetitive patterns and great lines.


    PT I like this composition and the B/W interpretation of the theme. I like the lines and it works for me even tough at the top things seem a bit centered.
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