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Image Comments posted by mandar1


    PT, as has been said before me, this is really well done and is making me think hard about the cause for turbulence that gives rise to the whirling pattern. My guess would be that there is an underground outlet for water to the fields on either side. As water goes out, like the water draining from a bathtub/ sink, it creates tiny whirlpool with leaves or dirt getting sucked in. Anyhow, not completely convinced by my argument, but vocalizing it nevetheless.

    Scrodingers cat

    Peter, thanks for your comment. Needless to say no kitty was harmed and that is a real cat. This is a "fishing toy" that I made for my cat. It has several holes and she fishes the balls out the box. I was being facetious as far as the title goes :).



    Ok, I justcropped out the trees - just for the heck of it.It is interesting but needs smoething more. Here, I attach the lobotomized version.



    PT, I guess this is a take on the theme via the homonym angle. Interesting for sure. Composition-wise I like the lines and postion of the poster. As far as the trees go I am ambivalent. I think they do provide context and something to give a sense of height. I wonder if it would be possible for PT to get closer to the poster and use something else in the foreground.
  1. PT, I like this is interpretation and the squarish format. I initially thought that there was a color shift, but after playing around a bit convinced myself that it was not the case. About the green on the top -- it is nice but for some reason I would have liked less details there. Maybe a ND filter would allow you to expose longer but get shallower depth of focus. I have to admit I have tried it, but have not been very successful at acheiving the effect I am suggesting -- so take it with a pinch of salt :).


    PT, the new version seems better for sure. About the rotation I would try to make the edge in the middle vertical -- I think you rotated it a tad too much.



    PT, I see what you are saying but the "modern" looking window simply doesn't gel with rest of the things and it demands too much attention from the other interesting stuff going on in the rest of the photograph. Needless to say this is just my suggestion. Also, I do think it would be nice to rotate it to the left a bit.



  2. This is well seen and captured. aThe only thing I would suggest is cropping out the bottom a little bit to chop of that corner at the bottom left. For some crazy reason that is breaking the flow for me.


    Seven, thanks for your comments. It was a cloudy day and I was struck by this lonely pigeon walking around -- maybe the gloomy part was projection of my emotions. I liked the tone after playing around a bit as it gave it a surreal feel. I do see what you meant by the time after showers though.


    A kitty that is interestingly framed for sure. The feeling of being on higher perch is there. The clipping of the highlights is a bit bothersome.



    PT, this fits the theme. The light, however, is quite harsh at the bottom -- I used he curves to pull down the highlights. I suggest leaving out the window at the bottom left and the leaves on the right and to make it a square crop.


    the stairs

    This is really well done. The composition + tonality is sweet. I think inverting it makes it just a little more puzzling. Thanks for sharing.
  3. PT interesting idea. However, without the title I would not have been able to understand what is going on. The patterns are interesting, but for the the rock on the rightside is bothersome. I wonder if there is a way to isolate Nemo and maybe some of the greens.

    Something missing?

    Chitra, thanks for your comment. This photograph is dear to me as I was really a beginner then and noticed this photograph in a bunch of photographs that I thought were "not good". That day I learnt that it pays to look at all the photographs after few days of taking them.


    PT, I love this interpretation of the theme. Light and dark -- simple and clear. Although, as Seven mentioned my eye also "wants" to see more of the sky I don't think that it takes too much away from the photograph.


    I second Knicki, that the perspective is funky and I am still have trouble visualizing it. I like the idea, but a tighter crop on the left would be good. As far as themefit is concerned I have real doubts. This would make a really good abstract.
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