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ian cameron

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Image Comments posted by ian cameron

    Gairloch Coo's

    Thanks I appreciate the comment the odd thing is that this has come out much darker on Pnet than it does elsewhere I wonder if I forgot to apply the profile adjustment cos detail is clearly visible on the other sites.


    Very nice shot. The colours and mood generated as well as the fall off in darkness are extremely appealing and very realistic. Could you have got another three inches higher and kept that one rush from intruding into the skyline that is the only minor detraction from an otherwise beautifully presented shot.

    Why did the chicken?

    Well each to there own of course, but about 122 others think it isn't that boring or I guess thay wouldn't have commented. At least me chickens is movin' so surely that makes some aspects of the picture dynamic.

    Why did the chicken?

    It is an English lead line for a joke namely why did the chicken cross the road? However this bizarre sense of humour would only apply to the British. The answer by the way, if it helps, which I doubt, is....to get to the other side of course.

    Pay The Ferryman


    The abandoned jetty at Glen Etive photographed from inside a boatshed

    due to the driving rain. 6 stops of ND filter were used to reduce

    the water to a blur and intensify colour f/22 at 1 min.

  1. Simon utterly magnificent, staggering light and a great title to match the photo. I think this is my favourite either this or the other Glencoe winter shot. I'm not sure it really matters but could you have got just a couple of inches higher to make those mid ground rocks align with the dark reflection of the background hills so they don't cut into the land behind.



    A conversion to mono using channels, The original was Fuji Velvia

    but the cloud patterns were so strong I opted to convert to black and


    Blood Bath


    A dead tree on Rannoch moor stands like a tombstone bathed in blood,

    a reminder of Glencoe's turbulent past. Oh and the colours are an

    exact match for the Velvia original.


    Please view LARGE tis better.

    Blair christmas


    First I'd like to thank the photo elves - I think!! - for making this a POW. I don't think it is my strongest image but it is one that pleases me.


    For those that enjoy it -- many thanks.

    To those that offer constructive criticism -- many thanks.

    To those that offer neither -- well lets just say that with this particular image I'm laughing all the way to the bank..





  2. Film isn't 100% natural, all I claim is that if you put the transparency and the digital file side by side you'd be hard pushed to see any difference save for the improved dynamic range of the original transparency, that is the way I have always chosen to work. Photoshop has been used to sharpen the scan I didn't even need to adjust contrast as my scanner is very well set up these days.

    Sunstar Cove Bay

    Well actually this style of shot is quite a diversion from that which I normally shoot. My widest lens by the way is 45mm which is the 35mm film (full frame equivalent) of 22mm. In truth I haven't the slightest interest in pproducing an "original" work of art only a picture that pleases me and is by my own standards aesthetically beautiful. I leave that to all you er "concept" guys.



    Hi Simon


    Great to see you are posting images still I lost track of you for a wee while. This is a belting image with a beautiful ambient glow to it and magnificently composed to boot. By the way what did you do with the big Pentax. I shall keep an eye out for you here, nice to see your work being held in such deservedly high regard.


    All the best Ian Cameron.

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