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ian cameron

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Image Comments posted by ian cameron

  1. This is a really classy image Jane. Wonderful movement in the water and truly believable colours on my screen. I don't know why this is languishing so far back down the league tables because it is as good as most on the fromnt page.
  2. Tis a very beautiful shot I use big skys all the time in my photography and duly get chastised by the croppers. They're wrong most of the time, and they are wrong this time, if the sky is gorgeous include it.

    Rippled Gold


    I'll let you in on a little secret. I keep a CD wallet with each filter allotted a certain place within it. Normally everything works fine but I loaned another photographer one of my grads and it was inadvertently put back in the wrong slot. Without checking I had picked up the 3 stop grad instead of the two stop grad which I would estimate would have been spot on for this particular shot. Happily I realised my mistake on a the subsequent roll of film and managed to capture two further shots correctly filtered. C'est la vie.


    The later trannies are stunners.

    Rippled Gold


    Glad you like the photograph.


    As for the "plug" YOU can choose to link to it or not. All I'm doing is giving MY visitors a choice. I am sure a few folk out there might actually appreciate knowing I run photographic holidays at TRANSIENT LIGHT.

  3. I think I can see what you are referring to and there is certainly something going on in compression. The larger version is clearly smoother and better than the one depicted on the front page. That said the TIFF is as smooth as butter.


    Unsurprisingly I hve done virtually nothing to the image you see in front of you mainly because I can't be bothered, secondly it doesn't really need it and thirdly because I don't do much with photoshop I tend to avoid doing much with it, 95% of the work is done in the field.


    In just about every case I make my original scan as near to the original Velvia transparency as possible. It is just a personal "law" that I adhere too. I don't claim that Velvia is a true representation of the natural world, just that it is one that I particularly enjoy.

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