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bryan olesen

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Image Comments posted by bryan olesen

    Wood Pecker

    Rafik, don't worry. I have found it is IMPOSSIBLE to get these guys in focus. These, and wood ducks. Don't know why, you just can't do it. Of course I will keep trying, and I know will too... maybe someday...
  1. I was going to ask if you used a "soft" filter, but I guess you didn't because the scarf is sharp. Must be 'cuz the lighting is so even and subdued. This one came out very nice I think.

    P.S. Love the title - sung to "Some day my prince will come......."


    Well, I'm honored, but even more glad that you were finally able to get some of these guys on your visit. Great green giraffe Jerry!

    Shout VII




      | Ain't no insect THAT large

      | that this teeny thing could

      | s w a l l o w ! ! ! ! ! ! !



    By the way, I say don't center it.

    Mexican Pots


    Yeah, I like the lighter version also. I see you also rotated the right one to center the deer more - good call. I know nil about studio lighting. How do the aliens get fired from behind your camera? Direct line or from your cam flash? You sure got a good start with these.

    Just an FYI to your bio request: I know Jamie N uses these and can be very helpful with his setup pics and explanations he gives. Nice fella too.

    Two herons


    "Pristine sharp, good composition, good light".

    Darek, since you appreciate comments, I gotta say this is hardly "pristine sharp" where it counts: the eyes, surrounding area and beaks. It looks to me like you missed the focus and tried to overcompensate with PS unsharpmask. As far as "good light", the tops of their beaks and heads are completely blown out with no detail left at all. Please don't take this as an attack - I would want the same feedback on mine to help me improve.

    I have to say some of your other images are so much better...

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