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bryan olesen

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Image Comments posted by bryan olesen

    wire meshes

    This is a wild one. I really like it. Best barbed-wire I've seen in a long time. I would burn in the bottom left light spot so it wouldn't draw so much attention. Very cool.

    Hummer in May

    I like the background also, but wasn't too sure about the hanging moss until you mentioned that it is framing the bird. Yeah, I guess it's growing on me the more I look. Just need that one strand removed that "touches" it's head IMO.
  1. Yikes, tough one to expose huh? Pure black to pure white. Great choice for the IR application. Brought up thoughts of Stephen King (his best stuff - that is). If I would change anything, it would only be your frame. I think you need a 1 pix line to outline the very edge of your image. That would help hold in the bright whites at the top. The fence at the angle you shot works nicely. Eerie atmosphere you got here Walt.


    Very nice Ellen. The clouds are a nice addition. I would like to see a little of your bears' face, but I like it anyway.

    Morning Jog

    Nicole, I picked a brush size in "dodge" just big enough to cover the water on top and made a few passes with "midtones" selected, then switched to "highlights", and made a few passes over as well to bring out the highlights. Don't get me wrong, I really like the original, this was just a suggestion regarding your question. See ya later...

    Morning Jog

    This is great. Too dark? I don't think so - the exposure looks spot on with no hot spots in the whites. I wish I could get sharpness like this with my similar lens/tc combo. Again, just excellent Nicole.
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