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John Farrell

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Everything posted by John Farrell

  1. Years ago, I adapted one of these by putting a brass slug in the battery compartment, long enough to allow an LR44 to be used. I also fitted a Schottky diode in the battery lead to the meter.
  2. I realise this is an old thread, but I would like to add a comment about the shutter retarding spring mentioned here. I have owned 7 old Prakticas, from an early FX to a IVB. None have had the spring.
  3. I second Dave's comment. I tried to get a Kowa SER working, years ago when I first started tinkering with cameras. The mechanism is very complex. A rotating spring loaded ring, at the base of the lens, controls the diaphragm, mirror, and shutter timing. I was unable to get the camera working.
  4. Have you the manual for the camera? I can be found here: http://www.cameramanuals.org/pdf_files/bell_howell_foton.pdf
  5. I picked up a Pentax efinaT at a local charity shop, last week. A replacement battery cost more than the camera. It has an unfinished film in it, which I'll finish, and then I need to see if there is a local processor for APS.
  6. Blurry exposures can be caused by incorrect focusing, or shutter speeds that are too slow. If the selenium meter cell is failing, exposures on automatic will be incorrect. The camera has no battery, but there is a later model, the Selecta M, which had motorised wind and rewind.
  7. I had the same problem, and used the same solution, a few weeks ago, Brian - my ISP is closing their mail service.
  8. If you turn back the leatherette on the hinge side of the camera body, you'll see the screws securing the hinge to the camera.
  9. I've been using Arista Edu Ultra 100 - inexpensive, and gives good results. I develop it in Rodinal.
  10. The British didn't confiscate Leicas and Contaxes - they bought them. Wartime issues of photo magazines have wanted ads for these cameras.
  11. Back in the 70's there were cameras which allowed aperture priority metering, with ordinary M42 lenses......this project would benefit from that. 42mm Screw Mount SLRs with full aperture AE using ALL lenses
  12. Trim the corners off the leading end of the film, before you load on a plastic spool.
  13. Fifteen minutes is what I use for Kentmere 100 developed in Rodinal 1+50 at 20 degrees Celsius.
  14. I have an M42 adapter for my Canon 60D, but I haven't made much use of it - the crop sensor doesn't give the best idea of a lens. I tend to use my old lenses, with film cameras.
  15. Another possibility is that the camera shutter malfunctioned, and didn't open.
  16. Bad Rabbit Ransomware Outbreak Hits Eastern Europe
  17. As SCL says, fungus spores are everywhere. You can control infection, however, by keeping your work and storage area dry, and low in humidity. Fungus needs moisture to grow.
  18. You are aware this thread is 12 years old?
  19. Oho - yet another spammer
  20. Yet another spammer - where do they crawl out of?
  21. Yup - yet another spammer.
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