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Image Comments posted by gabrielma


    I'd say that a 1/1 rating would be rather a commentary on the rater him/her-self, for this shot requires some knowledge of exposure. Calling it a cliche is as gratituous as saying it's a picture of a woman, or that English is so overdone that we must start speaking in tongues to be original in our communications: statistically all pictures are cliches; it's the technique, presentation and manner which counts when presenting an oft-found theme/subject.
    Good job.
  1. I am also ambivalent about the crane. I think if you're trying to break away from something, it works, but I think it would be best to either crop it out or clone it away. I am still struggling with my rating, I'd like to make this 6/6...(I'll come back) ;)



    I will leave the nit-picking of chromatic aberration aside, and simply say this is excellent commentary. You seem to study your shots well in advance, and still let opportunity come, which is far more admirable than any staged, "professional" photograph.

    El comentario lo veo más como un caballo de Troya: la masculinización de un icono tan femenino, tan enrraigado culturalmente que es tan natural como esta niña atraída por la rosa (o clavel, qué se yo)...hay tanto qué analizar aquí que has tenido un éxito fenomenal.

    Dry Paint

    You've taken something that I have done previously thinking it's banal, and you have made this fate into art. I could not add anything else that has not been said in this page (except "No PS?") =)
  2. I like the picture, Nestor, but (yes, sorry, "but") I know that building, and maybe it's because you had the high pedestrian traffic problem, but had you had taken this shot from another perspective (at a level below the organ, and aiming up) you could have had a great contrast of that beautiful building and the organista.

    I still like it, don't get me wrong.

  3. This is a very good shot; I have been there, and I know first-hand that it is an absolute pain to try to get a good picture of the Pirámide del Sol. You were actually lucky to have the clouds set in (but I see you tried to dodge the rest, so I think I know why you think it was a bad thing), because in broad daylight the pollution from Mexico City makes for an ugly haze (only time of the year this is not a problem is during Winter). I have only been there once with an SLR, and I hope to take a shot like yours. Tripods are forbidden, so getting a steady shot without high-speed film, and the utter lack of possible places you can shoot without obstacles is limited (that is, if you don't get a photographer's permit and get privileges for clear access).
  4. Mauricio, qué excelente oportunidad, especialmente con tu poderoso título. En originalidad, se merece un diez (OK, 7) aunque en cuanto a estética, disculpas, pero el 5 se debe a que tú verdaderamente has elevado la barra para tí mismo, si fuera de otra persona, le hubiera dado mínimo el 6: el ave ya es obscuro, así que para resaltar entre ambos sujetos, los claros en la estatua necesitan resaltar (el sol que se "pone").
    Me da muchísimo gusto ver paisanos resaltando en estas páginas de la forma en que lo has estado haciendo.
  5. Me gusta muchísimo el enmarcado, composición y el lugar, pero creo que aquí más que en otras fotos tuyas te sugeriría hacer los obscuros más obscuros, pues resaltaría las figuras borrosas y la reflección de los candelabros en el suelo. También, si es posible, pon un poco más de la parte de arriba y saca igualmente de abajo.
  6. I really like this overall. The comment is the inner joy of a boy who is forced to work his childhood away, and for all we know, he's enjoying his situation. The immediate world around him has created the conditions for this very existence, and therefore the surroundings are very well devoid of color, focusing the gaety of his merchandise. You have taken a cliché, with all its exhaustion and effectively used it to challenge and engage, and given it new life.
    Tienes un poder creativo que me ha conmovido, por "simple" que haya sido el sujeto y la técnica. Una oportunidad tan común en la Ciudad de México, hecha profundo comentario social-económico.
  7. All things considered, given the heavy use of artificial digital trickery (and by that I mean of digital means to convey beyond what one would do in a professional film laboratory) nowadays this is refreshing. Not original, but neither are flowers for we don't make them, and neither are buildings, for we didn't build them.
    This is a personal doodle, and the technique used for executing this is more commendable than simply having used out-of-the-box software that can do this for you in the comfort of your seat.
    I immediately thought of Picasso when I saw the thumbnail, and although this is not a masterpiece, it is creative in its own right, pleasing, and its dripping light fresh.
  8. Oh no, I digress: the shadow simply accentuates the sharp angle immediately evident from the circle, and adds a bold challenge to convention. I think that sentiment could be alleviated by cropping a bit off the left side and equally adding to the right side, as the weight could be of concern to the discerning viewer.

    I really like this foto, for it shows a natural eye for form and balance, and creativity for exhalting its subject's seemingly eclectic harmony. The contrast's beauty goes without saying.

    Excelente fotografía.

    Adirondack Morning

    I really like the reflection because it is a soft variation to the real subject. You're using an interesting application of the rule of thirds, but it is not immediately evident, since you're doing this with negative and positive space, not the horizon. The mood is well brought forth.
    I think you should saturate the background a little more, if at all possible without making it bright. Since your only highlight is flat, you could probably bring the fog a little bit more. This looks like a simple shot, but the processing is evidently tricky.

    Kee Beach

    Very good Andrea, but now, I am beginning to see here that you don't believe in (or barely use) Photoshop et al (I have some ethical musings about its use myself). This would be just more gorgeous if you brought forth golden highlights to contrast with the foreground (trees). I'll check back...


    Andrea...so I'm not the only one!!! I stand by wholeheartedly behind your comments in general; I don't have an opinion of John, as I don't know him or his work, but your sentiments and observations are eerily close to mine.
    It is hard to find serious commentators, fair critics, noninfantile raters, and knowledgeable (within the subjective confines of photography as a whole).
    I critique and rate accordingly just as you have described, given the rater's ratings, own work and comments (or lack thereof).


    I wish I could rate this as high as you have one of mine, but it's *only* because I think you can bring the full potential of this shot to fruition (and I reserve 7s to those that make me "flutter"); you have the eye for it.
    Skyscraper windows are overdone but you have brought forth an original perspective, grouping and placement. How about contrast? a slight rotation and it will be *perfect*.
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