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Image Comments posted by fotoscopio


    Nice candid pose. I like the soft tones on this shot.n It's also very nice and sharp. Maybe the backgound is overly bright, but still a nice shot. 6/5


    I love her expression, although the depth of field makes it look funny, like her head is sticking straight forward towards the camera, is it taken from higher ground? I like the brim of the hat being off-focus, but the body being so soft with such a sharp face is disconcerting. Hope it helps 4/5


    Beautiful subject... would probably have shifted the flat iron to either side of the frame -probably the left, to show off the light side-, insted of having it dead centre.



    Nice! Interesting diagonal and very nice warm colours. pity about the background it's pretty dull... Still a nice shot! 6/5


    Wouldn't have guessed it was NZ!

  1. I like the tones and composition of this shot.

    Maybe would smoothen the shadows on both bottom corners as some lines and grainyness (noise?) is evident, maybe it's from the resize but it would make this shot even better.

  2. I like the slower -thus soft- shot of the water, very evident on the bottom left boat which helps frame the shot. The horizon is a little bit slanted, but easy to fix on a rotated crop.

    Luangwa Sunset



    I haven't uploaded any new material in ages, but I have a good reason: I've been shooting like crazy for the last 9 months.

    Hope to show off some of my new work soon!



    I love the expression you captured here, also the way she's leaning on the rail and filling all the shot. Nice DOP too!


    The one thing I don't like is the red fingernails, they sort of stick out of tone!

    On the technical side, I think the highlights on the hair are too bright, and the top left corner too!

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