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Image Comments posted by fotoscopio

  1. Por el tema, seguro recibirá³ crí´©cas controversiales, pero creo que tu foto es magní¦©ca, caputraste el movimiento y acci�n del momento junto con muy buenos colores. Creo que la chaqueta azul y el caballo blanco, le dan un tono má³ tranquilo que balancea el rojo y negro del toro.

    White against blue


    Simple and lovely!

    Maybe straightening it out (making the vertical wall vertical) could give it more structure (cropping the top bit... but it could well spoil it. I quite like it the way it is, great colour. 6/6



    Hillarious, very nicely exposed too!

    I would probably cropp off the green in the background, making a longer shot and reducing the distracting dark band.


    gheppio, normandia


    Cropping a bit either side -probably the right side- getting the beautiful falcon off-centre wouldn't hurt, but maybe I'm just being square.


    It's a beautiful shot, love the DOF 6/5

    Planting Rice


    I always like this kind of shots, but I think this is a specially good one. The diagonal lines, the subject's placement and the light balance, all contribute to a pleasing image. Maybe the only thing I don't quite enjoy is the ridge at the bottom, it's easy to crop out. I understand it grounds the shot a bit but it also conflicts with the diagonal flow in the rest of the picture.


    Hope it helps.



    The backgound was ghastly, but I really like the dragon coiled around

    the column, specially from a top to bottom angle. Hope the cover-up

    doesn't look too bad!!


    Let me know what you think!


    I like the shape of your photo, and the moving clouds add dynamics to a still frame. I'm just not too convinced with the haloed streetlights, they kind of get in the way.



    Thanks Evita, I'm always attracted to moving water, I'm not that happy with how the girls are standing, but I really like the young kid.


    Neil, I also wanted to shoot that fountain since I first saw it, I had terrible overcast days most of my Melbourne stay, but as soon as I got the sun the children flocked to the fountain making the shot even better, I think I like it on a tighter crop but this way the setting is much more recognizable.



    You got him with the hands on the cookie jar. ;)


    The shot is nice and sharp, but the cropping is quite awkward, not quite square or an even proportion and the placing of the kingfisher dead centre creates a lot of negative space. Maybe a tighter square crop would help make him stand out nicer.


    This would me be my take on it.


    Hope it helps.




    I like the way you framed the sky with the tall buildings, but the distorted perspective doesn't help much. If you like photoshop, use the lens correction filter, to straighten out both edge buildings , I'm sure the effect will be much more impressive. I also think deepening the shadows will give it a great gloomy look, try burning out the shorter buildings at the very bottom.


    Just my view on your shot, It's got a lot of potential, the sky is great and it's already there.

    Hope it helps.

    Give me a coin


    You went all the way with the sharpening... I don't really like how it turned out, the elements are great though, I like the way you composed the boy in the frame and the stony background is amazing.


    Hope it helps.

    Bumble Bee


    How did you manage this!! Great!

    A truly good capture.


    I find it too bright, but toning it down should be no problem, love the hairy detail! 6/7

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