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Image Comments posted by fotoscopio

  1. Nice, the long path draws you into the photo. I would have looked better with more of the path and without the partial building on the left. The big lawn space in the foreground being all in shadow is not quite right, the landscape seems to have very nice warm lighting.


    Hope it helps.



    Look at the size of that thing... compared to an ant!


    Great composition!! Getting the ant in there is perfect for scaling. Yet, the DOF is minimal, not even the whole critter reaches focus. And I feel it will look better with less brightness.


    Still great! 5/7



    The blurry guys in the background and the tilted horizon, add to the excitement. Maybe darkening the sky would help as the whole image feels overly bright.


    Good capture, 5/6

  2. Thank you guys, I really appreciate your comments, all my latest posts have been small as I've been taking the images I post in my blog, but I'll change this "acclaimed" one for a larger version. It was shot in RAW, so I have full 10D resolution.

  3. Expressive, very nicely done.


    A lot of the image's space is wasted in the flag, and it is still not readily identifiable... it's a pity, but to further the journalistic use of the shot, you would have to probably zoom out to show the flag, loosing her precious expression.

    Maybe you should have asked her to hold a smaller flag! hehe, just joking.


    I really really like the shot. 7/7



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