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Image Comments posted by fotoscopio

  1. I really like the feel of this shot, all those diagonals and the colouring is very good. My only recommendations would be maybe to crop the top bar with the burned out outside light on the window and their reflection on the portrait. Hope it helps :)

    Fellowship Jump

    I love the theme, and the composition and the capture in general, but the posting seems overly sharpened making the kids stand out as if in a collage, and also makes the water looks overly contrasted. Maybe a little softening will help.
  2. Great shot, I feel it is a little crowded, would have liked to see more of the chick's wings, but it is still a great and amazing shot. I really like the way you can see the shadow of the adult's left wing on the right one.


    Lovely shot, I'm specially drawn to the tonality you used and of course the subject. This is the kind of unexpected shots that keep me coming back to PhotoNet
  3. Thanks for looking around at my photos, I wasn't too satisfied either with the bald eagle, it's a crop from a shot on the longest end of a zoom lens (75-300) close to dusk and it was as near as I could get to the critter.


    As for this one, I haven't a clue either of what it is (I should remember as I was there next to it, but cant so I'll try and look it up).


    Thanks again


    I like the way you composed this, and your shot is well exposed and sharp. The only problems I feel with it are the strong direct sunlit parts of the head it washes the colour away, on the moving wing it looks pretty good. Great shot
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