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uber photography

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Image Comments posted by uber photography

    Wrinkle in Time...

    The only thing that bothers me here is the big black void in the middle of the image, there is nothing to connect the left and right hand side. I would crop the left side out and just focus on the person. What an amazing face!
  1. The usual technique employed by sportsphotographers is called panning. You use a slowish shutterspeed and follow the subject with the camera until the moment when the subject is in focus, then fire. This way a bit of blurring occurs behind the subject (depends on shutterspeed) and the subject itself will be sharp. But this technique is not really applicable here

    Another technique is to combine slow shutter speed and flash. The slow shutter speed will show the movement of the subject, and when the flash fires it will freeze the subject at that instant and provide a sharp image.

    Good luck


    The colours in all your Aussie images are a bit washed out, which is a shame since the colours can be so intense and stunning. Try using a polarizing filter next time, and a more saturated film. Fuji Superia is not really suited for landscapes, it's more of a wedding film. Then again the scanning doesn't look too hot either, are you using a flatbed scanner? Try getting the images scanned from neg. And finally, that lens is rubbish too, forget 28-210 lenses, if you are going to shoot landcapes get a nice sharp fixed lens such as a 24 or 28mm. If you really want a zoom, get a 28-70, and a 70-210 lens. They are usually a bit better than the superZooms. Better lenses will have better contrast, less flare, be sharper and have less distortion.

    Outdoors # 19.


    I have a feeling that the girls are disappearing a bit too much into the background, and the axe is too dominant. I would like to see the emphasis a bit more equal between the girls and the axe.

    still great idea, great location, nice girls and technically strong.

  2. Interesrting dynamics between the guy and the woman. It allows the viewer not just to look at the image, but also to think about what is going on here.

    Apart from that, it is a nice classic image with nice clouds, good depth of field, good composition, etc

  3. It's a very nice clean shot. The only comments I have is that the hair is a bit messy around the shoulders, and the legs are also all over the place.

    Did you really shoot at f3.2, the dof looks more like f8 or f11.




    The quality of the image is not too good, could it be the scanning? The face is a bit burned out, it looks like you increased the contrast too much in PS?

    The subject itself is lovely.

    Crate Fetish 1


    The pose looks a bit awkward, more like a manequin which has been dumped in a box.

    I prefer the pose in the other crate image.

    I love the painting with light effect and the toning.

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