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uber photography

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Image Comments posted by uber photography


    It's a very nice image, but I feel the eyes stand out just a little too much, makes the baby look freaky. I think it is a very good technique, but I would turn it down a little bit.
  1. It's a beautyful image. Great smiles!

    Technically a bit weak. Not quite sharp enough. There are funny highlights on your wife's cheeks and forhead, yet too much shadow in her right eye. I assume the light is coming from the right? You need a reflector on the left to throw some light from the other side. Also need a fill light from the front, or at least a reflector placed in front and underneath.

    I probably would have thrown the background even more out of focus, it has too many light areas and shadows which are desctracting.

    Besides all that it is a lovely image thanks to the subjects.


    The coathanger or whatever in the top left is a bit annoying. I would get rid of it in PS. Great expression on the actors face on the right.



    I think this is a great image, it captures the fun and innocence of being a kid.

    The slight blurring of the hand on the rights adds a bit of movement to the picture. I hope you blow this one up and hand it on your wall.




    Interesting image, not just from a scientific point of view, but also visually. Only suggestion is to use a fill flash or a ring flash to isolate the scorpion from the background.


  2. This is a really nice picture.

    I agree with the comment about cropping. In the first instance I would have framed the image so that the boy is on the left hand side of the picture with the empty (negative) space on the right. This emphasises the fact that the kid is looking to the right. After all the viewer of a picture usually follows the eyes of the subject being photographed.

    Well done.



    At first I thought "what the..., it's out of focus". But on second thoughts I really like it, cause it puts the focus on the the other player who is watching and anticipating his next move. It makes you wonder what he is thinking. So I think this is very well done cause you are not just capturing just another guy playing boules, but the anticipation of the other player and that is much more abstract.


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