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uber photography

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Image Comments posted by uber photography



    Hello Mr Owen, how are things over there?

    I would crop the image square, so that just the window is visible. I think it would make a stronger graphic imact.

    See ya, Chris



    Keith, of course it is allowed and quite common here too. Check the copyright statement if you think I am infringing on it in any way.

    I hope that Michael is not offended, I am just trying to offer some constructive criticism which was easier to illustrate by posting an image rather than describing it. When somebody does that with one of my images, I am always pleased that someone took the trouble rather than just saying "great image" or "rubbish". In any case the orginal photographer is totally at liberty to totally ignore anything I said. That's how it works here are photo.net. we are all here to learn and teach. Chris


    Everything about this image is perfect, the framing, the toning, the tonal range, skintones etc. It is sharp and the expression is just gorgeous. Top marks!
  1. Why did you use a polarizer, you would have been better off using a yellow filter for the skintones. Still a very nice shot, well composed. The contrast is a bit too strong. I can't see the details in the black jacket. Still better too much contrast than not enough.
  2. This image in itself doesn't say too much, can't work out what the connection is between the two shots in the one frame. The images would probably work better individually rather than paired. The whole series together does work very well. The red frames around the images are too distracting without adding anything. I would loose them and just focus on the people in the images.

    Sad Thoughts

    Nice starigh forward shot. The expression is very well cought. The schawl or whatever is a little bit distracting. Can you crop the image at the bottom, and maybe a bit on the left?


    I like the composition and the effect of the shadow. The problem is that the skin tones are wrong, actually the whole model seems washed out. Try burning her in a bit more. Maybe you overdid it with the flashes. window light is usually the best for portraits and doesn't need flash, just a reflector for fill.


    Nice cute picture. Nice skintones and good crop. Would have more impact if he was looking straight at the camera but even so, it's very nice. He looks like the cheeky sort :)



    Hi, this is a lovely image, nice sort of dreamy expression on her face. I do like the pattern in the background, it adds a feeling of depth to the image. But I think the background should be a bit more out of focus so that it just gives the impression without detracting from the girl. Here is my version. I added some gaussian blur in PS and burned it in to make the bg a bit darker as well.

  3. This type of image has been done a lot, and this is not the best example. I think there is too much 'shiny forehead' in it, also the patteren on the sleeve is a bit distracting. I think it could be improved if the girl wasn't wearing the jumper, or at least had short sleeves. And I think I would let a little hair fall over her forehead to reduce reflection. Not sure about the position of the light, seems to come mainly from above right, but that side of the face is in shadow due to the arm. The light should be from the left and turned down a stop, this way you get a more low key image and the right side of the face which is hidden anyway would be a bit more shadowy same goes for the arm and hand.

    Here is what I mean, I have cropped the image to remove some of the distracting arm, and burned in the texture on the jumper, I also softened the highlights on her face.

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