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Image Comments posted by gareth_harper

    Peace mothers

    Excellant, I love it. Some pictures just seem to get better with age. Sometimes I wish was around back them. Must have been a lot more work back then, I've gotten used to my autofocus, motor wind, matrix meter to keep me out of trouble. Keep posting this stuff!


    Geert, you are spot on as usual, I looked at the other negs but this was the best I took at this angle. Also if I'm honest the film is rather thin and doesn't print too well. Was still getting the hang of Delta 3200 at this point. Sadly the statue I think has gone, also I would have had several rolls playing around with this but yet again I was asked to leave this museum for breaking the artists copyright. What nonsense.



    Interesting picture. It's a wee bit flat and I think the highlights are just starting to blow.

    Now if I were in the darkroom I'd blast his face with some light at grade 5 to try and get some texture back in his skin but I'm not quite sure what you do digitally. Anyway I thought a little sepia flavour might help.

  1. Thanks Geert. I agree with you. I wish I'd had least caught Arthur's microphne which would have emphasised him as the speaker. Always find it difficult to find ways of getting the speaker and the crowd.

    Good to see you haven't abandoned us here at photonet!


  2. Potentially nice but either you have overexposed your velvia or you have made a mess of the scan.

    If you have ICE use it, if not make sure the slide is absolutely clean. You need to set up the contrast and colour balance, this to me has a horrible blueish hue and it's pretty flat.

    A bit of work and it could be rather nice.

  3. I like the composition idea, but the half chopped head is err not my cup of tea.

    I also feel you have overblown the contrast.

    It's nearly a cracker, in my opinion but it's a miss.

    I can't quite see what the big news is either, wrong forum?

  4. Thomas, Digital has less lattitude generally then even slide film. Also it's just a matter adjusting the shadows in levels if you want to drop the darker areas. I think the exposure and contrast are just fine as they are.

    Konzo girls.

    Yes it's better, but it still doesn't look perfect. I tried several time and I can't seem to get it. It still seems to have a wee bit of a yellow hue and you've overblown the magenta a bit (edge of hat on right hand side). You might want to gently use the sponge tool to de-saturate the tree in the background. It may all just be different moniters though. It's a brilliant picture, I guess getting the colour exactly right can wait till you print it. I'm being far too fussy.
  5. Marina, you are teaching me! Many of your pictures are brilliant. Downloading other peoples photos and playing with them in photoshop is also a great way of teaching yourself how to set up photos. It's the light that makes this shot, great light.
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