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Image Comments posted by gareth_harper

  1. Grrr Woof! Can't see the scratches but I can see what looks like dust and dirt. Have you given the scanner a good but gentle blast with compressed air? Like the picture by the way.


    Lovely picture, looks nice and sharp and those eyes just jump out at you. Could maybe burn the childs face in a little more as it lacks a bit of detail while being careful not to subdue those pearcing eyes. Well done.
  2. Nice composition. Not sure about the pose of the girl in the foregroung, would have prefered something more natural, also the focus is out. If the D30 is anything like my EOS30, then there is a fool proof depth of field function. I'm afraid even with a top notch body like the D30 and the superb f2.8 canon you still have to tell it where you want it to focus.

    The Dancer


    This what we in Scotland call talking on the big white telephone. Good shot. Did you ask the subject permission before hand by the way? I would do a little dodging and burning on this one (or do it differnetly)

    Oh and I had a look at your other pictures and it appears you are scratching the negs. If you are usuing tongs to wipe off excess water, well don't, that's the most common cause of such scratches.


    Yes I like this. It's weird. The wee cloud adds that little bit extra. Only thing I think is missing is some deep blacks which if it was my image I would have burnt in, in the darkroom. It's really great to see all these black and white photos but is digital the best medium for B&W? Great photo though, maybe I'm just techno phobic. Also bigger upload please (honest I won't steal it)
  3. Taken at the three day blockade of Faslne Navel Base (Scotland) by

    CND in Febuary 2002.

    The film is XP2 not Tmax as stated in the film box. I've just joined

    and am having those wee technical problems, sorry.

    Printed on Ilford multigrade at grade 2.5.

    I know there is a dust spot or two but I haven't got round to buying

    touch up pens yet.

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