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ovidiu moise

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Image Comments posted by ovidiu moise

  1. I love the way this image is separated in thirds/fifths by the horizontal lines, and the way both heads avoid these lines. I am not sure about the seagulls on the left, but I think they should be removed. It looks like the man feeding the gulls and the umbrella, kind of lock the image in between themselves. Cannot tell about the grey tonality, whites and blacks, as the image is too small for these details.


    Excellent general feeling.


    Very nicely done.


    I agree with Brian's comment above. The main problem is that a picture should not be evaluated by such criteria as what it could have been IF shot properly. Good try, but this is about it.

    Three Poles

    Jeff, congratulations. This picture making it to the POW makes my day. Even if I like a lot more some other stuff in your portfolio, this image is a perfect example of simplicity and effectiveness. Keep up the great work.
  2. I guess we are doomed to have all sort of comments as long as we keep comparing apples and oranges... I mean it is difficult to discuss a portrait compared to a macro picture and so on. It is all on the shoulders of our photographic culture now. This is a very nice image. Looks candid enough, "retro" enough, sexy enough. It has a little bit of everything. It is not the greatest portrait I ever saw in my life, but it is a good one. Funny this image got rates a lot smaller than the last week's one, even though they are both in the "portrait" realm. Good.



    I am delighted of all those comments! Is there a better way to learn about how people see things? Anyway, for those who said they like better the BW version,(but...), I must reiterate I said I would love some detail in the black part, and only so the picture might mean something to me. The fact that the picture is praised by some here does not bother me at all. We all have the right to like/dislike whatever we want. I must say a word on the ridiculous rating system, though. I welcome any comment, but I do believe that rating a picture without saying a word or two for the author is completely pointless. Especially for those who have no pictures uploaded.


    I have nothing against digital cameras. And the fight digital vs classic reminds me of the fight from the beginning of the last century bewtween photography itself an painting. The future is digital whether we choose to accept it or not. But there is a difference in between digital photography and digitally created images. And we should be aware of that.


    Happy shooting everyone.



    Mysterious image? Maybe. Great use of the light? Not in my opinion. More like poorly focused shot, with way too much black space around it, and especially behind it. I would rate it 9/9 if done in B/W and if the black background would have had some details (bare minimum would be great). As is, maybe a 6/5. BTW, your winter ice and the mill are marvelous.

  3. The flower looks OK. The frame around it is a little big. A tighter crop might have helped with isolating your subject. Also, there seems to be a strange sharpness/DOF loss due to the wide open aperture you probably used. You might also want to decenter the flower a touch.
  4. Nothing like getting the original image as close to perfect as possible. A ND filter is almost a must. It looks as the light is filtered through the clouds, so I am not sure a polarizer would have helped. Also, a warmer tint would be nice. Konica films are well known for their blue/cyan tint - not my first choice ever.
  5. Joao, you have a great way of dealing with color. I would say there is a little too much black in this image for my taste, and, also, there seems to be a sharpness problem with the red thing in the ULC.


    This should not be a 3.../3... image. It looks like a snaphot, which Tom agrees to, it also has some small imperfections, like the cut elbow, but the worse part is the midday light. Broken whites, ugly shadows under the eyes and nose and on the shoulder... Still, it is not a 3/3 image. People are getting very extreme with ratings lately.


    Raoul, you saw the picture well. This subject is not very easy to photograph. As a consequence, the disorder in the image makes it very difficult to understand. Sometimes, less is more... Details of the image may say more than the entire thing itself.

    Rust 1


    This image is part of a rust study I am currently working on. The

    folder contains a few examples, more or less representative. Your

    input is appreciated.

    Navajo Life

    Nestor, all I can tell you about the sky is that it had a vey unusual color that day. The original slide has a slightly different tint, but this is the closest I could come with PS. And the walls do seem to have their own light, you are right. Thanks for the comments.
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